Humidity Gets Me Again

This was definitely a week of highs and lows. I had some rough workouts but also had amazing ones as well- it seems like running is hard right now but everything else is feeling great! I'll just blame the weather and hope it feels easier once it gets cooler (and less humid). Here's a look at my week-


Rest Day!


3 mile run
I met up with my early birds group for my run this morning, and as soon as we started I felt off. I donated blood on Sunday evening and thought that I would feel better by now but my body let me know it didn't! I hung in the back and did a run/walk, but was still happy to have people to start with at least!

2 hour SUP

I was feeling much better by the end of the day and it was gorgeous out, so I headed to Harris Lake for a little paddling. The water was pretty calm so I took it easy going around and also took lots of rest! It was the perfect end to the day.


1 hour bike

I went out for a lunchtime ride and added in two intervals of 3 minutes pushing hard. This entire ride was a lot faster than what I normally do- usually when I do an hour I do about 12 miles, but today I almost went 14! I also set a lot of segment PR's on Strava which felt great. It seemed like everything was clicking into place today which is a good feeling.


750 yard swim
To be honest, I was not really feeling this swim. I woke up a little late, Dan didn't want to join me, so I was just trying to get through this. I decided to just do a steady state swim without stopping, because I knew if I stopped I would just get out of the pool! I ended up going straight for 750 yards and called it a day.


Rest Day!


30 min run

I felt awful on this run- as soon as I started I felt really tired and my legs ached so this was a struggle! I think my running is just off this week, so I'm hoping next week will be better.

1 hour yoga
I joined my friend Tiffany for yoga at Hi-Wire Brewing in Durham, and it was a great class. It was slower and more yin-style than what I usually do, but it's just what I needed today. I'll definitely be back when I want to do some gentle yoga!


Brick Workout

Dan and I went to the Tobacco Trail for a brick workout this morning! We had an hour bike ride followed by a mile run. It was so hot out so this was really tough- after the bike I was just dripping in sweat and was really exhausted so the run was painful! It's always hard to transition from bike to run so it was good to practice it, but man this was a tough workout.


  1. I cannot even imagine training in the summer in North Carolina! more power to you! I hope that things smooth out a bit once the weather cools down.

    1. It's definitely tough but when I'm not working out I love the weather here haha!


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