Training Week Four

Hello! What a challenge this week was! Not only did I have to deal with a hectic exam and project week, it was a very busy week with other activities like band and dinners with my college. Unfortunately, this definitely affected my workouts this week and I got a bit off track. I also have a mild calf injury and had to rest it Saturday and Sunday (marching pre-game and half time didn't exactly help either..) One bad week won't bring me down though and this week I'm going to push myself to the limit to make up for it!

Here was my week:

10/3: stretching and 1 hour lifting

10/5: ran without the watch, 30 minutes of running

10/7: 3 mile run (above), 2 hours of rock climbing
10/8: PSU 13- Iowa 3!!

I finally figured out how to use the GPS feature of my watch and can map out the runs, alone with pace during the run, on! Now I can document and keep track much better.

Also, Friday I went rock climbing for the first time! It was such a tough workout but a lot of fun. I'll definitely be going back a lot!

Here is my schedule for this week, week 5! Almost half-way done with training so it's time to kick it into high gear!
Stretch &
4 m run
7 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
3 m pace
8 m run

Nittany Valley Half Marathon: 54 days
Pittsburgh Marathon: 207 days


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