Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 10 Recap

Is it really already week ten of training?  I can't believe I'm up to the double digits already!  This was definitely a week filled with lots of ups and downs.  I'm finally feeling over my little foot issue from last week and had some solid workouts, but things didn't click for me during my long run and I didn't get in any cross training.  Definitely room for improvement next week!

Let's take a look at how this week of training went: (p.s. I "spring-ified" my graphic since it's getting warmer out!  I hope you like it :) )




4 miles with Selma

It was such a perfect day out that I had to bring along my little running buddy!  Selma is a really good runner and always pushes the pace, so this was a really fun run.  We stopped to walk a few times during the run, but for the most part she kept up with me for the entire 4 miles!


6 miles with 6 hill repeats

I actually love running hills, so I was excited for this workout.  There's a road near my apartment that is closed to traffic and has a hill about 1/4 mile long.  Perfect for repeats!  This was a challenging hill to run up because it gets increasingly steeper as you go, so I was really hurting as the workout went on!  Definitely a challenging workout but one that I hope will help on race day!




7 miles / 1:04:30 / 9:12 pace

The goal for this workout was to warm up for one mile, run five miles at marathon race pace (9:00) and cool down for a mile.  This was a really good run and my legs felt amazing during it!  For the first 3.5 miles of the hard miles, I ran on a hilly course, then finished out the final 1.5 miles on a flat 1km loop.  I was really happy with my lap times because they were all below 9:00 without feeling like I was putting forth a lot of effort.


3 mile walk

It was such a gorgeous day out, so Dan and I took a trip over to the Southside and walked along the river.  I also did some foam rolling and stretches when I got home.


15 miles / 2:20:10 / 9:20 pace

This was one of those runs where nothing was clicking for me- not the weather, my mind or my body.  I don't want to write a paragraph complaining or making excuses for only running 15 miles and not 20, so I'll just end it with saying that next week will be better.  Moving on!

Did you have a better training week than I did?!
How was the weather in your area?
Bonus question- What are you doing to celebrate Pi Day???

linking up with HollyTricia and Katie


  1. Way to go on the training, girl! Even with the weather mishaps at least you got out there and did it!

  2. I seriously want to hug Selma whenever I see her face. Would that freak her out?

    1. Not at all! She LOVES people..any time we take her out everyone comes up to her and she loves the attention.

  3. I recently found your blog, and I'm looking forward to continuing to read b/c I live in Pittsburgh too! I recently starting running again after a long injury-induced hiatus, so I'm interested to learn about your running routes since I have yet to find good places to run outside near me.

    1. Hey- thanks for stopping by! Here are some posts that I've shared with some of my favorite routes- and . Hope that helps!

  4. Ugh you stumped me on this bonus question! I am SO unprepared! I think you had a great week of training and I love your springified graphic. I wish I had a dog to run with, but my sisters can't go a mile without giving up! Selma is an athlete!

    1. Better stop at a bakery on the way home today ;)

  5. good for you for sharing the marathon training! sometimes i wish my charlie had longer legs so he could run with me. he tries though!

    1. Thanks Elle! I'm sure Charlie wishes he could run longer too!

  6. It's been so pretty in Asheville this week. Sorry you had a rough week- hopefully this week will click for you.

  7. You still put in a solid week of training! Totally understand when things aren't clicking for you. My week of training was pretty good, though I did have two rest days, which I honestly think made everything as a whole better. Weather has been really windy so you can imagine how fun running is, lol. Pi Day!! Totally forgot - thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thank you Cynthia :) Rest days make a HUGE difference I've recently learned haha!

  8. The weather in Michigan has been temperamental. Looking like it should be warmer this week though! You had a great week of training by the looks of it. Even if the long run was rough...that only means there is a good run waiting! :)

  9. YAY, you're inspiring me with all of your planned races. I want to sign up for a 5k soon. Have a blessed day Gretch!!! :)

    1. I'm so happy to hear that and hope that you enjoy training! 5ks are the best :)

  10. Spring is here!! Great job in your training! this week will bring you new energy and new running days! Plus, we now have an extra hour of sunlight!

    1. YAY for that! I want to start running in the morning now that it's warmer out so I wish it were lighter then, but I guess we can't have it all haha!

  11. We have had so many wind storms! I think it's supposed to get really warm and sunny this week, though. So I'm so looking forward to that. Don't worry about that long run. You know those happen sometimes. Your marathon race paced tempo run was great, especially since you did it on a hilly route and ran well below 9 min/miles. You've got this!

    1. Sounds nice! And thanks for the encouragement :)

  12. Great week of training! Looks like you have some exciting races ahead, good luck! My week of training was full of soreness as I recently ran a marathon but am training for the next (Boston). Not sure if I'd do it this way again! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Jane! Sounds very painful, but at least you have a good base built up right?! Good luck in Boston :)

  13. All I want to do is go on a run with a dog! Hopefully in the next few years when we get a dog it'll like to run as much as me :) Also.. I'm so impressed that you like hills. Can you teach me how to not dread them? haha.

    1. I do have to warn you- it took A LOT of work to get her to be able to run lol! So don't think that you can just go out one day and it will be fine..definitely not the case for us!

  14. It was the weekend for long bad runs! Ugh--I was right there with you. You have the perfect mindset--don't dwell on it and keep on moving on!

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone! Hope you have a better week too :)

  15. I had a fairly rough week, too. I also cut my long run short and neglected to do any cross training. Apparently bad long runs was a common theme this past weekend. Here's to last week being behind us and better things to come this week!

    1. I hear you on that :( Good luck getting back on track!

  16. Another great week of training! I hear your race is the same day as mine! Only 6 weeks to go...

  17. I love running hills too! I thought I was a crazy person. Maybe it is because they are unavoidable in Pittsburgh so I've just accepted it. It may have seemed like a bad week but at least you got up and did it! That's better than nothing!

  18. Selma looks like the ideal running partner. I wish I could embrace your love of hills. I look for ways to avoid the worst ones in my neighborhood. Sometimes we just feel "off" without rhyme or reason. There is no reason to push on these days. I'm sure this week will be better. Thanks for linking with us Gretchen. You race is getting close!

  19. Sounds like things are going really well !
    I really like running hill repeats, though I hate coming down. I will need to manage that for a very hilly race I have in May. .... but AFTER my marathon April 3rd.

    Have a great week.

    1. Haha that's funny that running downhill is your least favorite part! I love it for a nice and easy cooldown :)

  20. Girlfriend, I admit, I don't know how you do it!!!

  21. I love that your pup is your running buddy!! She is so cute!

  22. I wish I could love running hills like you do but I just can't! I do them because I know how much they help but it doesn't mean I like it, lol. Thanks for linking up with us!


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