
If the word quit is part of your vocabulary, then the word finish is likely not. - B.G. Jett

8/3 workout:
5 miles on Rivertrail (different starting point!)
42:00, 8:20/mile

In order to make sure my training is going well, I'm signing up for the Nittany Valley Half Marathon, which is December (or about 5 months before the Pittsburgh Marathon). This race seems like a nice, small, cheap race, so I'm really excited to do it. A few of my friends in the Blue Band are running it as well, so I'm hoping to run in under 2 hours this time! Here is a map of the course, which is at Penn State (perfect location!):

It's hard to see, but it begins at the Ag Arena, goes up to Fox Hill Road, down to Houserville, and finishes at the Visitor's Center by Beaver Stadium. I'm so excited to do this course and see how my training is! I'm starting a half-marathon training plan by Hal Higdon which can be found HERE . With the 12 weeks of workouts, I'd be starting the second week of September, so until then I'll just be continuing with my current running.

So excited to have new goals and to begin a real training plan! With the full marathon so far away it's hard to stay on track and know that I'm doing the correct runs. Now I'll have something to follow and hopefully run a much better time!

Thanks for reading!


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