April 27- Weekly Goals

Hello everyone and Happy Marathon week!  I know a lot of you are running the  Pittsburgh 5k, half or full (some are even completing the challenge and doing two races!), so I'm wishing you all lots of luck!  I'll be on a plane heading over the Atlantic during the race, but I'll be cheering each of you on and will be eagerly awaiting race recaps.  Good luck!

As for today, I'm going to keep it nice and short and just share my weekly goals!  Since I'm traveling, I may not be able to complete all my workouts.  That's fine with me - I'd rather enjoy my trip than stress about training.  Here's what I have on my schedule for the week:

Monday : 4.5 miles
Tuesday : Rest / yoga
Wednesday : Speed work : 8x400
Thursday : 3 miles
Friday : Rest
Saturday : Copenhagen Park Run
Sunday : Rest

Have a great week!


  1. Have a great time on your trip!! Loving your pictures so far. I'm not running PGH this year, but I will be at the medical tent at mile 5.6 volunteering. :)

    1. Thanks so much! That's great that you're volunteering! Cheer on everyone for me please :)

  2. Hope you have a great trip! Have fun and don't stress about your workouts!

    1. Thank you! I'm not stressing at all..having too much fun :)

  3. Good for you for putting speedwork on the schedule while on vacation! I typically run on vacation but usually take a vacation fro speedwork. :) Enjoy your week! Can't wait to hear about your travels when you return.

    1. Let's see if I actually do it :) there's a park with a one mile loop near our hotel that I want to check out!


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