WIAW : Moving Edition

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Today we're going to be talking about food- specifically what I ate yesterday.  Right now, my meals are incredibly random because I'm in the middle of moving!  I'm trying to empty out my fridge and pantry as much as possible, so I'm getting some pretty weird combinations lately.

Here's a look at the weird meals that I ate yesterday, and make sure you check out the WIAW linkup to see what everyone else is eating!

Wrap : chicken, hummus, cilantro, roasted carrots
Wraps have been one of my go- to foods lately for breakfast or lunch.  At the beginning of the week, I'll usually prep a ton of them so that Dan and I can just grab them as we need.  We had some frozen chicken breasts, so I just cooked them and shredded them with some sweet chili sauce.  Then I just added some leftover hummus, cilantro, and roasted carrots.  Quick and easy!

Zeke's Coffee
I ran out of coffee at home, so I picked up my favorite coffee at work!

Chopped Veggies : Spring Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Mushrooms, Cilantro
Chicken Strips
I also like to prep for the week by chopping up a bunch of vegetables and dividing into containers so I can grab one for lunch.  For some protein, I had some frozen chicken strips!

Smoothie : Orange Juice, Blueberries, Strawberries, Peaches, Amazing Grass
A few months ago, Dan went through a smoothie phase where he picked up tons of different frozen fruits and was going to start drinking smoothies every day.  That phase didn't last long, so I tried to use up some of the leftover fruit in the freezer.  This was a random mix, but I always say that you can throw any combination of fruit together in a blender and it will taste good.  

Tilapia, Teriyaki Noodles, Roasted Potatoes, Corn
I always like to have frozen fish in the freezer, so I can grab it for a quick meal.  I also had some left over noodles and roasted potatoes from another dinner, so I added those and heated up some frozen corn.  

Ginger Cookies
I got these a few weeks ago from Trader Joe's and loved these!  These were the last two in the package, so they weren't as crispy as when I first got them.  I love the huge chunks of ginger in the cookies though, so I still enjoyed these!

What random combinations have you eaten recently?
What is your favorite recent Trader Joe's find?


  1. I am always eating random combinations! But the weirdest lately? Hmmm... probably dipping baby beets in hummus. I just really felt like beets and hummus so I combined the two :P

  2. I feel like everyone is in the weird combo arena--several other blogs are asking the same question today! How about pickled brussels sprouts, almond milk, and chocolate? (not all at once, but in order)

    1. Haha I wonder what's going on that everyone is into weird combos. Maybe the changing weather?!

  3. Hmm I love sweet potato and peanut butter. Is that weird? And I can't remember the last time I was at TJs- you've inspired me to go. Love ginger cookies! Good luck with the move!

    1. Do you eat them together? I haven't tried it but that sounds kind of interesting and might be amazing :)

  4. Hmm I love sweet potato and peanut butter. Is that weird? And I can't remember the last time I was at TJs- you've inspired me to go. Love ginger cookies! Good luck with the move!

  5. I actually had a wrap like that for lunch on Monday. I bought it cus I forgot my lunch I packed. I've realized I'm not a fan of wraps. Now on the other hand, your cookie looks amazing! Good luck with the move!

    1. Thank you! I'll take all your wraps..I love them!

  6. Every once in a while I try to clean out my freezer and pantry and create new meals to use things up. I love the individual packs of assorted nuts at Trader Joes. They are perfect for taking on the go and make it so I don't eat wayyy too many.

    1. Ohhh yes all of the trail mixes and nuts at TJ's are amazing and pretty affordable!

  7. totally looking for those cookies from TJ's!!! I love ginger!

  8. Trader Joe's uncured turkey bacon is actually some of the best turkey bacon i've ever had! If you're into turkey bacon, give it a try :-)

  9. Mm... It looks like you had a good day of fuel. Moving requires so much energy! Those ginger cookies sound good...

  10. I love ginger flavored cookies! I actually just made some with chocolate chips this week. #strangebutgood!

  11. Those cookies sound amazing. My husband goes through we're obsession phases as well and I'm left to using up whatever's left after it has passed, ha!

  12. I love the game of scrounging around in the freezer and cupboard for a meal, so that I can stretch out the grocery shopping. It makes me feel like a champ when I can put something together! I looooove cilantro. I'd eat that with anything.

  13. Roasted potatoes, corn, and frozen chicken strips are my go-to meals these days some days. Like yesterday, that's literally what I ate for dinner. Cleaning out the fridge is both awesome and terrible hah it saves you so much work when you officially move out, but when you get down to the bare bones, meals get interesting.

  14. That smoothie sounds so fruity and delicious! Yum!

  15. You are making me crave Chicken lomein and buffalo chicken strips!! yums!

  16. frozen fish is one of my favorite quick meals! And I totally agree that the majority of the time, blending things together turns out well! Recent trader joe's find is the veggie pizza burgers! So amazing

  17. We could have gone tag team on our posts this week! Well done on making use of what you have - doesn't it make you feel like such a champ? I'd like to implement more of this strategy when I'm not just swarmed in boxes...
    But having my own coffee will be nice again. I hear ya on that one.
    The como of your dinner looks especially delicious.

    1. Haha yay for leftover twins! Popping over to see your post :)

  18. Your meals look MUCH healthier than mine when I'm in the process of moving! I don't even want to think about that. To be honest I try to avoid buying new stuff at Trader Joe's because it's always the junk food that looks delicious, and then suddenly I have a new craving/addiction I didn't want or need!

    1. Haha thanks, I've been feeling pretty unhealthy lately so I had to throw in some veg!


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