Seawheeze Half Marathon Training Week 0

Lookie here...I'm actually talking about running today!  It's been over a month since I stopped training for my full marathon (that I eventually DNS), and I'm finally getting back into running regularly.

My next big race is the Seawheeze Half Marathon in August, so training starts today!  Each Monday, I'm going to recap my workouts, starting with week zero.  On Wednesday, I'm going to talk more about my training plan and goals for this race.  For now, let's see what I did in my final non-training week!

Monday : "Rest" Day

I didn't run or exercise at all, but it definitely wasn't a lazy day!  I finished cleaning up my old apartment, moving out the rest of our stuff, and helping my parents with their renovations.  I would put this day in the strength training category!

Tuesday : 3 miles

Nice and easy run around the neighborhood.  I moved to a really hilly area, so I see a lot of hill repeats in my future!

Wednesday : 4 miles / 37:10 / 9:17 pace

I really didn't want to go running because it was the hottest and most humid day we had in a while, but since it was Global Running Day I made myself go!  I felt surprisingly good, like I'm getting my old fitness back!  Sometimes the runs you don't want to do end up being the best.

Thursday : Rest 

I took the day off running, but went on a long walk with Selma!  It makes her really happy to go on walks, so this is the perfect rest day activity.  

Friday : 1 hour yoga

I have a ton of workout DVD's that I stopped using once I joined a gym, so now that I don't have a membership I'm going to be using these again!  Today I did Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown and it was NOT easy!

Saturday : 4 miles / 35:15 / 8:48 pace

Hello, summer running!  The day started out cool, but by the time I finally got myself out the door it was hot and humid.  Definitely need to start heading out early in the morning!  

Sunday : 5 mile bike ride

I got my tires pumped up and went out for a long bike ride (long for me at least!).  The weather was perfect and I'm starting to feel more confident riding!  Hopefully I can keep adding on distance and hit my annual goal.

Now I think I'm almost ready for training to start!  
How was your week of workouts?
Is anyone else training for a race?
linking up with Holly and Tricia


  1. Exciting times ahead! I am sure you'll smash your training plan - and the race itself! ;)

    That yoga meltdown dvd really is tough!

  2. I’m looking to run my first half marathon in November, so I’ll be glued to reading your training recaps. I can learn from the best! I've always wanted to incorporate biking into my life, and you're motivating me to try it out. How long did it take to bike 5 miles?

    1. That's so awesome Julia! I can't wait to hear how it goes :) I honestly have no clue how long it took me..I didn't have a watch with me. I'm super slow though so probably at least 30 minutes!!

  3. I have that same Jillian Michaels DVD and it is tough. Every runner seems to be dealing with heat and humidity at the moment, but hopefully we will all be stronger for our fall races because of it!

  4. It has been so humid lately! I ran a race this past Saturday & while it felt good standing around before the race, once it started.. it was definitely so humid. Ready for better temps this week! Looking forward to reading your training recaps.. good luck!

    1. Ugh that's the worst! Way to get out there and race though :)

  5. Glad you enjoyed your last days before training starts! Hopefully running in heat and humidity will only make you stronger!

  6. Exciting that you're starting to train for SeaWheeze this week! I love doing exercise DVDs at home, but my DVD player is broken and I haven't bought another. They're so cheap now so there's really no excuse not to. This post inspires me to get on that.

    1. Aw that's a bummer! Have you tried watching them on a laptop?

  7. A hilly neighborhood will fit right into your training plans. I often look for ways to avoid the hooks in mine. Does Selma like her new home? How exciting to be training for a half in the pretty near future. My next race seems so far away! Thanks for linking Gretchen!

    1. Selma LOVES it! I've never seen her so happy :)

  8. I'm so excited for you! And slightly jealous :) We have the same start week for race training, though. I think this was the first year in a while that I actually went running on Global/National Running Day haha. It just never worked out and I had other things planned.

    P.S. What month did you sign up for Seawheeze?!

    1. I think it was around was only open for about an hour before it sold out! So crazy. As soon as the date was released I added it to my phone so I wouldn't forget!

  9. Good luck with training!! My week of workouts was somewhat relaxed. I did a pretty strenuous 14 mile hike Monday, an AM pilates class and PM HIIT class Wednesday, and HIIT class Saturday. Can't decide if I want to sign up and start training for a race soon!

    1. Wow sounds the opposite of relaxed to me! Great job girl :)

  10. Yay for half marathon training!! I'm not really training for anything right now. Ragnar is in 4 days so I've been trying to just keep running 5-7 miles a few times each week.

    1. That's going to be so fun! Can't wait to read your recap :)

  11. I've heard great things about SeaWheeze! I love reading posts on training :) I'm currently training for my first full marathon in a couple weeks ahh!

  12. oooh Seawheeze...that sounds fun!!

    I am just about finished running half marathons (my knee is not having it) but I feel like I might just get one in a year...we will see.

    Looks like you had a good week and yes renovations and cleaning out an apartment...totally strength training!!

  13. I used to love Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown! It's a burner and it makes yoga fun, you know? Now I'm sort of tempted to dig it out and try it again. If Vancouver weather is anything like Seattle (which I think it is since they're only like 2 hours away), you shouldn't have too much heat or humidity for Seawheeze. Which makes any humidity you have now similar to altitude training and you'll just fly at Seawheeze!

    1. All of her workouts are SO hard! I hope that you're right about the weather :)

  14. Hooray for SeaWheeze!
    It's my favourite race - I hope I'll get to meet you there!! :)

    1. That would be great! I'm so excited to run it :)

  15. YES I am so happy you're writing about running again! I mean, I love it when you post pics of your outfits and makeup and stuff (my favourites!!!) but running tops it all. And I love how it's training week zero ha ha! Awesome.

    1. Haha thanks Suzy! Much more running to come since I'm finally back to training :)

  16. You're going to be busy! Good luck at race #1 :)

  17. oy, i have a ton of jillian michaels dvds and they are certainly never easy! good for you for running on global running day - i didn't lol

  18. Great week for you Gretchen. I'm just plugging along in Summer mode right now. I won't try and build up miles until very late summer if I can stay in almost half marathon distance ready.

  19. Great week of workouts! I look forward to following your half marathon training! I will begin training for my third full next month. I am guilty of getting a late start on my runs too. I always regret it when I'm running in the heat of the day.


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