What's New With You? Linkup #16

Can you believe it's May already?  I'm definitely a summer person and I could just feel myself busting with happiness as the days get longer, the sun shines brighter, and the air warms up.  There were days when I would literally skip around the house, singing to myself and twirling around (Dan might think there's something wrong with me but I can't help myself- evidence below).  Does anyone else suffer from SAD that can relate?

Since it's a new month, you know what that means!  That's right...it's already time for the monthly linkup with Kristen and me.  Make sure you link down below and tell me what's going on!

Monthly Goals

Last month I mentioned that I wanted to switch things up and make some new goals for myself.  Here's what I plan on working on for the next few months:

Do Something Crafty.  I've mentioned this a lot of times before, but I love being creative and doing something crafty.  I'm not going to make specifics for myself, but I want to make something every month.  In April, I did a new cross stitch project to fix up the first version of my coffee project, and I love how it turned out!

Be Musical.  I'm still working on playing/learning the piano, but I also want to start playing the saxophone and violin again!  I've been playing the violin since I was in 2nd grade and saxophone since high school.  I've always loved to play but have gotten out of the habit recently.  I'm planning on joining a local symphonic band in the fall so I need to practice again.

Stay Active.  I decided that this summer is going to be my Strong and Speed Summer (more details on that soon!).  Part of my new "program" that I'm making up for myself is actually running less, and adding more cross training to my routine.  I've always felt my best when I was lifting weights, so I want to start that up again.  The weather is also turning beautiful in Pittsburgh, which means that I want to spend more time outdoors while also getting a workout.  This means going on hikes, kayaking, SUPing, doing yard work...basically anything that gets me sweating and being outside!

Drink Beer!  There are so many new breweries and old ones that I haven't visited in the area, so another goal is to try out more beer.  Let's just call it research since I have to start a new batch of my own homebrew soon!  I have a huge list that I want to get through, so if anyone wants to help me with this very important goal let me know (or if you have a favorite that I need to visit first let me know that too!)  Tour de Beer is ON!

Random Updates from April

I ran in the Gettysburg Marathon....and didn't finish.  Whoops!  You can read all about it here.  I appreciate everyone's support and understanding.  I'm feeling great and actually have a race coming up this weekend (the Pittsburgh Half! Who else is running?).  I'm not sure how it's going to go, but I have plans to run it and have fun with Jessie, so I'm looking forward to it.  I also have to give a big thank you and shout out to one of my favorite bloggers who gave me a free bib to the race!!

Dan finished grad school!  He started about three years ago and has been taking one or two classes every semester while working full time.  His program was a masters in Mechanical Engineering, which meant that he's been very busy pretty much all the time.  I'm proud of him for finishing, and happy that I get to see him more now.  To celebrate, we went to K Asian Bistro for sushi which was amazing.  I have to admit that sushi is my one non-vegan vice, so I try to save it for special occasions like this.

We joined a CSA!  If you've never heard of a CSA, it's Community Supported Agriculture.  You pay for a share in a farm's harvest for the season (for us, that's May to November) and receive weekly boxes of produce.  I've been wanting to get into this for years, and happened to talk to my neighbor who is a member of the Kretschmann Farm CSA. I like this one because the farm grows organic produce, there's a pickup site within walking distance of my house, and they donate any unused food (or your box if you go on vacation) to a Food Bank.  My shipment starts the last week of May and I can't wait!

My one year anniversary is on Saturday.  I can't believe it's already been a year, and at this time last year we were in Belize.  It's been an amazing 12 months and I couldn't be happier.  I'm not going to do a sappy post about 12 reasons why I love Dan or the lessons I've learned (the main one I've learned is to let some things go, aka compromise is key!).  We don't even have plans, but our relationship has always been low-key and non-traditional, so I wouldn't have it any other way!  P.S. you can read about our trip to Belize here and our wedding here.

That's all I've got for today- let me know what's new by linking up below!


  1. Congrats to Dan and HOLY SUSHI.

  2. Happy anniversary! Time sure flies right? Sorry to hear about the Gettysburg marathon! Hoping all goes well for he next race!

  3. Happy Anniversary! And congratulations to Dan on finishing grad school!

  4. I also just joined a CSA a few weeks ago! It's been awesome and I've tried some vegetables I've never had before like celery root, rutabaga, and sorrel. It's fun to get creative to try to use everything - like the pizza with beet pesto and kale that I made last weekend.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Also, totally down for a beer tour! I love the idea of a CSA - how great to get fresh produce (it always tastes better when it's fresh grown, doesn't it?!)

  6. Wow I feel like you just got married! Congrats on Dan finishing grad school!! Also, I too twirl sing and feel extremely happy when its warm and sunny! So much happiness and promise with good weather. I think we need to move somewhere where its warm and sunny year round haha

  7. I love your new goals! Those sound realistic and personally fulfilling. And yay for adding weight lifting back to your routine! You know I'm a big fan of that!

  8. Yes, I suffer from SAD, so I can relate. This winter was better for me, though, and I'm attributing it to walking outside whenever possible, even when it was 23 degrees.

    Happy Anniversary!

  9. Totally down for Tour de Beer, so seriously, holler at whenever you go. :) Sushi is one of my FAVORITE things, and that looks so good. Interested to hear how you like the CSA, I did one two summers ago and loved it. But since we have a garden it doesn't make much sense. But I loved that the CSA forced me to cook with ingredients and eat veggies I wouldn't normally, whereas we play it super safe in our garden and usually just grow things we know we love.

  10. A Belize wedding sounds awesome! As does the CSA program! That's too cool!
    I love that you're learning or relearning music instruments! That's such a cool and unusual goal!

  11. I can feeeeel how happy you are in this post! I LOVE IT! And hell yeah to some sunshine! It's supposed to hit 27 here (Celcius) today and then huge thunderstorms tonight because of the surge of heat. Exciting! Congrats to Dan on finishing grad school. That is a HUGE DEAL! And happy Anniversary you two! <3

  12. Congrats to Dan on finishing grad school, and happy anniversary! Also, good luck at the half this weekend - looks like you are going to have some perfect running weather!

    I love the idea of a speed/strong summer! Every year I make a goal to do more kayaking and hiking in the summer but it just never happens. Last year it was just so humid and gross I never wanted to be outside - crossing my fingers for a more mild summer this year!

  13. I LOVE that beer is one of your goals! There are a few new breweries near me that I also need to check out :)
    I'm also joining a CSA this year. I still need to send them everything (we don't start until the end of June) but I can even pick the dates I want deliveries so I don't waste food, which is super key for me!

  14. Happy anniversary!

    I use a face lamp in the winter to help with SAD!

  15. Sounds like you had a good month! Happy Anniversary!

  16. A CSA sounds like such a good idea!!! I will have to see if there's one around here. Congrats to running in the marathon and happy anniversary!!!

  17. oh goodness i am exactly the same about summer. no matter how hard i try and keep my spirits up during winter, summer just fills me with a happiness i can't create on my own. yay! i am insanely behind on blog reading, had no idea you didn't finish the marathon! hope everything is okay, but if you're feeling good i hope it is. hope the half went well! happy anniversary!! i totally agree about letting some things go. picking your battles and all that jazz lol

  18. Happy almost one year anniversary! Summer makes me really happy too :)

  19. I used to play the sax too! I still have it, though I haven't played since...college maybe? That's awesome that you're getting back into it. My friend just started homebrewing too! First batch to be bottled this weekend, and I'm curious to see how it turns out since she was doing "research" while making it lol. Let me know if you have any tips! Love that pic of you two- congrats to Dan and happy anniversary!

  20. Awesome goals! I also need to incorporate some creative hobbies into my life, because that's one area that's lacking. Happy anniversary! From the photo looks like the non vegan sushi splurge was worth it :)

  21. Congrats to Dan! What a big accomplishment, also happy anniversary! What a stunning wedding location! :) CSAs are great, but I'm still trying to focus on cooking more, period. HA. I love those goals and am glad that you are still doing well with them. I'd love to be musical again.... hmm... XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  22. That sounds like a big month! Yay for joining a CSA (which reminds me that I need to do that again...) and happy anniversary! -- Lisa | Naptime Chai


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