What I Ate Day in the Life

It's been a while since I've shared a day in the life or What I Ate Wednesday post, so I thought it would be fun to join in today!  Here's a look at a typical day for my lately, along with all of the food that I ate.

5:45 - Wake up, have a shot of espresso from the Nespresso, take Selma out and change into my running clothes.

6:00 - Leave for work.  Dan drops me off on his way to work which is always great.  More time with him, and I don't have to take the bus :)

6:30 - Stop at the gym.  I work downtown and have a YMCA across the street from my office.  I leave my work stuff there and head out for a run on the river trail.  There are so many places to run downtown so I never get bored!  Today I just have an easy four miles planned and get done in no time.

7:15 - Get back to the gym and take a quick shower.  I usually don't wash my hair at the gym because it takes forever to dry and the hairdryer isn't always available, so I just use some dry shampoo and do a quick braid.  I also put on a little bit of makeup (mascara, sunscreen, and tinted lip balm) and change into my work clothes.

7:40 - Find a desk for the day.  I'm on a floor that's free address, which means that no one has their own cube or office.  I have a locker to hold my stuff during the day and overnight, but I can pick a new spot every day.  I'm always in the same area, but like the opportunity to change around desks if I need a change of scenery!

7:47 - Grab my breakfast and make some coffee.  I have some mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries) and some granola and coconut.  I also fill up my water bottle and keep it filled all day to make sure I'm hydrated.

11:08 - My morning was filled with meetings, so I finally get a chance to catch up on emails and some other tasks.  I put on 70s rock to keep me energized, and love the song Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh.

12:10 - I have a meeting over lunch, so I grab a quick snack when I have a few minutes.  I tried out the roasted onion and garlic jam from Trader Joe's along with some pretzel crisps.  It was really good- a little savory and a little sweet- and surprisingly didn't have an overwhelming smell or taste of onions.  I'm sure my table-mates were happy about that ;)

3:26 - Crazy day at work, so I end up not being able to eat lunch until it's almost time to go home.  I had some leftover flautas from dinner (pinto beans, corn, green chili and spinach) along with vegan sour cream and salsa.

4:27 - Take the bus home.  There's a lot of construction happening on my bus route, so my normal 45 minute commute has been taking an hour lately.  More time for me to read, plus I discovered that the Netflix app allows you to download episodes of shows and movies, so if I'm not in a reading mood I can catch up on Parenthood!

5:13 - Get home and take Selma out. I'm a little hungry, so I have some orange slices and juice outside.  I also finish up my Friday post and respond to some comments.

6:15 - Head over to Jessie's to pick up some herbs.  She and her fiance (soon to be husband!!) have an amazing garden in their backyard and were nice enough to give us some mint and oregano.  I also scored some homemade pickles, which are my FAVORITE FOOD EVER.  We hang out and talk to them for a bit and make plans for the Pittsburgh half, then say goodbye.  When I get home, I plant the herbs in a large planter I found at At Home quickly before the rain started!

7:33 - My team had a Cinco de Mayo party, so I made a corn salad to bring along.  It's one of my favorite summer recipes and really easy (and cheap) to make.  I have a little bit as a snack just to make sure there's enough seasoning.  I also grab some of our homemade beer to take for a beer exchange, and have it ready in the fridge to grab the next day.

7:54 - Heat up leftovers from the night before (rice with Chana Aloo, topped with basil and vegan sour cream) and a Stella Artois.  I'm still trying to catch up on The Voice, so I watch that while I finish up my post for Friday and checking some work emails.

8:22 - I got the Trader Joe's Soy Creamy Mini Chocolate Sandwiches and tried it out.  I can't even tell it's soy ice cream (they have an amazing, creamy vanilla soy ice cream in a tub as well) and loved it!  I also made Dan have one so I wouldn't eat the entire box, and he liked it as well.

9:36 - Head upstairs to pack my lunch and work bag, and pick out an outfit for the morning.  I always have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, so anything that I can get ready makes a big difference.  I get ready for bed and watch some more Parenthood.  I usually end up falling asleep around 10:30, but like having about an hour to relax.  Sometimes I'll do night time yoga, which really helps me calm down if anything's on my mind.

What are your typical days like?
What's your favorite lunch?
Do you work in an open concept, or have your own work space?


  1. LOVE Parenthood! And Jessie will agree =)

  2. Yummy! I think my favorite lunch is leftover stir fry. It's so satisfying.

  3. Wow - I think I love the open desk concept. I do enjoy having my own office and desk ... but I'm at the end of a hallway and no one really comes down this way so it gets pretty boring. I'm not really one to seek out other people so I end up talking to myself or getting lost in my thoughts (not a good thing right now). I pretty much live on leftovers for lunch since I always make too much food and hate having all the containers in the fridge. If that doesn't work, then a salad is my go-to lunch.

  4. Oh shoot! My comment disappeared. I think I just said how much I love your work space because it's so bright and vibrant and open! And how I love it when you do posts like this because it makes me feel close to you. :)

    1. Aw Suzy!! Sorry your comment disappeared but thanks for saying that!

  5. I just started watching Parenthood too (I'm almost done with season two)- loving it so far! Sounds like a productive and busy day!

  6. Like Ciara said, LOOOOOVE me some Parenthood. Really might have to watch it again once life calms down.

    Also, I have no idea how you can eat dinner so late and not just fall over and die of starvation, EVEN with a late lunch. Plus not have to wash your hair!? Or maybe I'm just totally unprofessional because I show up with wet hair 4 days a week usually. Oops.

    1. YESS such a great show. I really only wash my hair 3-4 times a week, otherwise it gets way too oily (which is counter intuitive but I swear it works!)

  7. I like posts like these. Thanks for sharing! I have my own desk every day! Although the change of scenery would be nice, I do like having all my own things handy right at my desk all the time!

  8. your diet looks much better than mine. i had an english muffin, a peanut butter and jelly foldover, about a dozen saltines and a bowl of cap'n crunch. also three dr. peppers. so the weight i'd been losing, i think i just put about half of it back on today. :]

    1. I have snacks a lot too!! I'm definitely not a perfect eater, this was just a particularly healthy day.

  9. That's cool that you can pick your desk each day! But I'm wondering... are there the "best desks" that everyone seems to try and get to first?! :P

    My day changes constantly, however, my mornings are usually always the same with breakfast and tea, walk, shower, get ready for the day and then either work at the office or head out for meetings (usually I try to keep my meetings all in the one day so I can have one full day out of the office, a half day out of the office and the rest to work on current projects) then in the evenings it's dinner, shower, netflix, bed :P

    1. Hahah good question..most people seem to keep the same desk every day so you don't really see anyone fighting for a particular spot!


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