Hall of Fame Marathon Training : 6

Yay for cut back weeks!  Some runners love em, some hate em.  I'm personally in the "love" camp.  It feels great to lessen up the miles a bit (and have more free time!)  Here's a look at how week lucky number 6 went:


Rest Day!


3.6 miles / 9:49 pace
Just a nice, easy run.  Went around my neighborhood after work, and it was a beautiful day.  Kept my pace easy and enjoyed the weather!


Rest Day!


4.5 miles / 8:20 pace 
I got to go on this run during my lunch break at work.  It was 60 degrees out so I was really excited to run in shorts and a t shirt!  Since I didn't want to be gone for a long time, I shortened my speed work for the week.  I was originally supposed to do 5 miles at marathon pace with a mile warmup and cool down, but instead I did 3 miles at tempo pace with a half mile warmup and mile cool down.  I started out too fast (shorts weather got me excited) but felt great on this run!


Rest Day!


12 miles / 10:19 pace
I was lucky enough to be joined by friends for my long run!  We met up at the park and set off for 12 miles.  The miles just flew by and felt great.  Crazy how easy running is with other people around you!


1200 yard swimming
I didn't swim at all last week and barely got one in this week because I misplaced my swimsuit and goggles.  Whoops!  Finally found them so I was happy to be back in the pool.  I managed to do this workout faster than the last two times I did it which makes me happy.  I worked on swimming constantly at an even pace instead of going too fast and having to stop.  It was great!

6.2 miles / 9:47 pace
Easy run at the gym after my swim.  Can I call this a brick workout for triathlon training??


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