To the beach!

This was a very interesting week- lots of travel and some family visit- and I took it pretty easy from my workouts! I definitely needed the rest and my body let me know. I had a hard time waking up and just wanted to sleep the entire week away!  Here's what the easy(ish) week looked like for me- 


Beach Walks

Dan and I left bright and early to go to the beach, and once we got about a half hour away our car broke down! Luckily we were able to pull over to the side of the road safely and were able to get a tow truck take it to a dealer and an Uber to take us to a rental car and continue on our way. Our day wasn't ruined though- we still visited the beach and a farmer's market.


10 mile bike ride

Our car was still in the shop (and we found out it will probably be there for months since the parts needed are in a national back order) but we were able to spend the day on Bald Head Island! There's a ferry that takes you over from the main land, and there are no cars allowed. We brought over our bikes (you can also rent them on the island or get a golf cart). The island is only 4 miles long, so we were able to explore the entire thing and go on a few hikes along the way. It was such a beautiful place and next time I want to rent a house and stay longer.


3 mile run

We finally made it home from our trip, and I was exhausted! I managed to make it out for a run but that's just about all I had the energy for- I was planning on going for a swim but quickly nixed that and decided this would be a rest week from that.


1.5 mile run

I had absolutely no energy today but forced myself out for a short and easy run. I did a lot of walking but being outside definitely helped me wake up a bit.

1 hour disc golf

After work Dan and I met up with some friends to play a round of disc golf. It was our first time playing with friends which was a little intimidating but we had a great time! We played at Apex Nature Park which is my favorite place to play- it's full of beautiful trees and is very beginner friendly.


8 mile bike ride

Had a great mid-day bike ride down to Bond Park and sat by the lake for a bit. It was beautiful out and I enjoyed just relaxing for a while! It was also my friend's birthday, so on the ride back I joined her birthday run on the Peloton app. It was a Pride themed run and it was perfect for biking as well!


45 min run + walk

Just a short and easy workout to get ready for tennis! I wasn't feeling great on this so I was happy to have lots of walk breaks and just kept the effort easy.

1 hour tennis

My second to last tennis lesson and today we worked on serving, forehand and backhands, and learned how to volley. I was still feeling a little off (just more tired than usual) so I definitely wasn't at my best but made it through.


Rest Day!

My sister and her family were in town for the night and Dan and I were leaving in the afternoon so I just had an easy day. We took my nephew to the park and went on some walks, but besides that just hung out.


  1. Oh, my goodness, what a stressful start to your beach getaway. Is your car okay??? I can't even imagine how you stayed calm! Yoga breathing? I hope things have settled down and that you are feeling more like yourself. Take care.

    1. Unfortunately we had to get rid of the car....I'll share the story in my monthly update :) Honestly I don't usually get too upset about things like this- luckily I can stay pretty cool under pressure!


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