Closer and Closer

Another week in the books and now we're less than 2 weeks from race day.  EEK! I've been in a bit of a lull still with my training but things are starting to turn around. I'm hoping I'll get back in my stride this week to finish out strong, but either way race day is almost here!


1,250 yard swim
A little morning swim to kick of Labor Day. I did a 500 yard warmup, then 5x100 pushing hard. I was planning on doing a 500 yard cool down afterwards, but I was really exhausted and cut it a little short.

1 hour disc golf

Our original plan was to play some tennis, thinking the park would be empty for the holiday. Boy were we wrong! There were lines of people waiting for the courts and we barely found a parking spot! Luckily the park we go to has other options, so we decided to play a round of disc golf which was really fun.


1.25 mile run
You can probably tell by the distance that I did NOT feel like running at all. I've been feeling pretty burnt out lately..I think I'm just ready for the race to happen and be able to enjoy my workouts a bit more! But- we still have a few more weeks so I can't give up now.


Rest Day!

Once again woke up with no desire to workout. I probably could have convinced myself to go for a bike ride, but my bike is in the shop getting a last minute tune-up before the race so I just took the day off. I did take Selma for a walk and saw a few signs of trees starting to change color. Is fall around the corner?


20 min Focus Flow: Hips
Woke up and told myself I had to do SOMETHING this morning, so I took this live yoga class and went for a walk with Selma. The class was great and had some easy stretches and movement. Just what I needed to get the day started.

2.05 mile run
I went out for this run and told myself it was going to be a good one. I think having that positive mindset really helped because I really enjoyed this- even though it was hot and I got tired! I pushed through all of that and was really proud of my effort after having some off days lately.

750 yard swim

Since I was feeling so pumped up I kept the momentum going and went for a swim right after my run. Was only going to do 500 yards but rounded up to 750.


20 min bike
I dropped off my bike to get a tune up and new tires last week, and unfortunately it still isn't ready so I had to do an indoor spin. I found a nice mental health ride with Sam Yo that was just what I needed!


3 mile run

Morning run with Dan on our favorite greenway. We ran from Davis Drive Park to Bond Park and got a few sprinkles along the way! We were planning on swimming at the lake today but the weather was really bad- some chances of storms and lightning so we decided to keep it safe by staying on land.


Dance Cardio + Yoga
I had a really busy weekend hanging out with friends so all I wanted to do today was relax. I did a little bit of a workout with a challenging dance cardio class and an easy restorative yoga. I had my mom join me virtually so I was more motivated to actually take this instead of staying on the couch watching sports! I also got my bike back, so Dan and I did a quick ride around the neighborhood to test out the new tires. 


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