Weekend Highlights

Hi everyone!  Did you all have a great weekend?  Mine seemed to go by really quickly, unfortunately, but was lots of fun!  Today I'll just be giving a quick recap of what I did.  I hope you enjoy!

Went to a Pirates game with my friend Tammy, and got to stop by to see her adorable pittie, Roxanne!  She is just the sweetest dog ever.  Look at that underbite!

The game was amazing (we won in 10 innings) and our seats were so great!  Just a few rows up from the field.  Such a great night!  The Pirates ended up sweeping the Dodgers (after a huge 9 run inning in yesterday's game...WHAT!).  It's been an exciting season so far!

I actually skipped my race on Saturday (to be honest, I've been in a funk this week and just haven't felt myself...I woke up and could not get myself to go out the door and decided to get a big fat DNS.  It sucks and I should be more disappointed in myself, but sometimes you just have to give yourself a break and move on.)  I ended up going for a long- for me- bike ride of 5 miles on the Jail Trail.  It was a nice way to unwind and relax!  Although I was definitely the slowest biker on the trail I had a great ride.

On Saturday I also stopped by the mall!  Gina let me know about Express's 40% sale on jeans, and I had to try some.  Here are the two that I ended up getting- I love them! (p.s. add me on Snapchat!! Gretchxo :) )

Brunch with my sister and mom at Benjamin's after my long run (8 miles) and some dog walking.  We all agreed that brunch was good, but a bit overpriced.

Dan and I also had dinner with my parents at Max's Allegheny Tavern!  We both love German food, and Max's has the best in Pittsburgh.  I prefer the atmosphere and beer at Hofbrauhaus, but the menu here is a bit better (and cheaper).

There you have it!  A look at my marvelous weekend.  Make sure you check out the linkups to find out what everyone else was up to!  I hope that your week is off to a great start :)


  1. Looks like a great weekend!! I was watching the Pirates game on TV at the end...you're right...AMAZING! I hope jeans at express are still on sale; I need a few pairs and may have to head over there later today... :)

    1. I hope you'll like them! They're really comfortable and they had so many different washes and fits. Hopefully you'll find a pair you love!

  2. I went to a Pirates game last year on the 4th of July and it was pretty fun! Looks like your weekend was fun. Sorry you didn't get to race but it doesn't sound like it was that big of deal and that's okay!

    1. I usually go to the 4th of July game as well! It's become sort of a family tradition. Glad that you had a good time!

  3. I agree - the weekend flew by way too quickly. Your jeans look adorable! And 40% off is a steal ;)

    1. Thanks so much! I couldn't resist with a deal that good!

  4. Looks like you had a pretty exciting weekend. I was at that pirate game also, it was very exciting. I hope you get out of the funk you are in, no one likes to get the DNS for a race and lose out on registration fees.

    1. That's cool you were at the game! Recently the games have been packed..I feel like everyone I know has been there recently! It feels like playoff season already. And yes, losing out on the reg fees really stinks! Plus, my age group was slower than usual so I could have easily gotten a medal. Oh well, hopefully it won't happen any time soon!

  5. I didn't run on Saturday either, and slept in (for me). I ended up getting 10 hours of sleep, which I rarely get these days so it turns out my body needed the rest I gave it.

    1. Yes, sometimes our bodies need to take a rest! I also slept in a ton that day as well and felt so much better. Definitely worth it :)

  6. Sorry you missed your race on Saturday, but it is nice to read that you aren't being too hard on yourself. I have had days/weeks like that too. Where you are just in a funk and can't seem to find any motivation to do anything. Hopefully a little extra rest this weekend will leave you feeling ready to take on a new week!

    1. I'm hoping so too! My half training officially kicks off today, so I figured taking it easy this weekend was a good idea instead of burning out a few weeks in when it really matters. I skipped a race and the world didn't burn down, so I think it's ok :)

  7. Sometimes the days aren't so great and races just aren't worth it. Glad you decided to pass on that. Love the jeans! I can't wait to take advantage of sales for clothes I can wear longer than a few months haha!

    1. Thanks Heather! That's exactly what I told myself. It'll be so exciting for you to go shopping again and get some cute clothes in a few months!

  8. You've got such smokin' stems in those jeans! Wowzas!

    1. Hah Thanks so much Suzy!! That comment made my day :)

  9. Jail trail? That's such an interesting name! Not every week will be amazing or stellar. I've missed a couple of races as well - I notch it up to giving $$ back to the community!

    1. That's kind of the unofficial name for it! It's actually called the Eliza Furnace trail, but locals call it Jail Trail because it starts right by the jail near downtown. Sounds sketchy but I swear it's not!! That's a great outlook to have- I just made a donation is all! Thanks Sokphal!

  10. The fact that you found 2 pairs of jeans means that the weekend was a WIN. Bar none.

    1. Seriously!! I'm happy I found a brand that seems to work for my body (and thank goodness they're not TOO expensive..especially on sale!)

  11. I can't ever find jeans to fit me in Express. I think it's because my legs are so short and not very slender :)

    1. That's too bad! A lot of jean brands don't work, so just keep looking for that perfect brand! I'm sure there's one out there that will be great for you :)

  12. Awww! I love Roxanne! I took a DNS last year. It was one of SCRR's own 5Ks and was pouring down raining. I didn't feel guilty at all! Love both pairs of jeans!

    1. Isn't she the cutest! I love her :) Your DNS sounds like a much better reason than mine haha! I wouldn't feel guilty for missing that either (although I love running in rain so that would have been ideal for me!)

  13. Yay for 40% off!! I love Express jeans (they're one of the few brands I've found that actually fit really well on me! *-*)!

    That food looks delicious! <3

    1. They are really nice jeans! Feel great on and I think they look pretty good too. Have a great week Farrah!

  14. Looks like it was a gorgeous night for a baseball game. Score on the jeans. They look great on you!

    1. It was perfect out! But then again, any day with a baseball game (and win) is a perfect night. Thanks for the compliment..I appreciate it!! :)

  15. Those jeans are super nice! I loathe jeans and am always jealous when I see people rocking them!
    You picked a great night for a ballgame - I love extra inning games (especially ones that we win)! Free baseball!! I was at the St. Louis game right before the All Star break that went FOURTEEN INNINGS! It was a blast :-)
    Sorry that you're in a funk :-/ those suck, but maybe a few days off will be just what you need :-D

    1. It's tough finding jeans that work for me (I'm sure most people have that problem) so I was really excited to try these! Extra innings are the best for sure..I just get really tired if they go on a while! Last year I went to a super long game that wasn't over till after 1AM..it was fun though and we ended up moving down to the first row because everyone left!

  16. I hope you were able to beat the funk and that this week has gotten off to a good start (I know mine has been much better). Good friends, good food, and cute new jeans? Sounds like a win to me. :)

  17. Funk, be gone! :)
    Nice to hear that you listened to your body, even if that meant skipping the race.


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