Top Five Friday #33

Happy Friday!  What a weird week it's been.  One of my coworkers said that it's not fair to have two Mondays in one week, and that's exactly what it's felt like!  I love having a holiday in the middle of the week, but it certainly throws off my schedule.  I'll never complain about a day off, though!

Let's get into some favorites from the week!  Unfortunately, I don't have any TV show updates to share because it's been quite a busy month, and I'm really far behind in all of my shows!  I will share some favorite songs (NON Christmas so you don't get annoyed with me yet!) and fashion looks of the week.  Have a great weekend!

Easy Homemade Lo Mein

I made this dish last Saturday, and I loved it so much that I immediately opened up a new post so I would be sure I wouldn't forget to mention it as a favorite!  Not only was the dish really easy to make and customize, but it was absolutely delicious!  I made mine with udon noodles and mushrooms instead of chicken, but you could seriously throw anything in that you have on hand and it would turn out amazingly.  This is definitely a dish that I'm keeping in my rotation!

Reel Rocks 10

Ever since I tried out rock climbing, I've been kind of obsessed with doing more outdoorsy things and getting more involved in indoor and outdoor rock climbing.  It was perfect timing when Lynne invited me to watch Reel Rocks 10 at Carnegie Mellon University!  If you haven't heard of Reel Rocks, it's an annual, world-wide tour featuring the best of the year's climbing and adventure films.  This year featured Tommy Caldwell, Kevin Jorgeson, Alex Honnold, Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods and Dean Potter. The videos were inspiring, terrifying, hilarious and completely entertaining from start to finish.  If there's a stop near you (check it out here) I would highly recommend going!  It's simply amazing.

Blog Updates

A few weeks ago, I joined a great blogging Facebook group, and I've already picked up so much advice and tips from all the ladies in the group.  One mentioned that I should have my social media networks linked, and shareable buttons for each post.  Now you have it!  I have my Twitter, Pinterest, Email, Instagram and Bloglovin' linked (so please follow me if you'd like!) and also options to share my posts.  I appreciate every share that I get, and now it's so much easier!  On a side note, I always appreciate and welcome criticism or feedback on what I can do to improve, so never hesitate to call me out in the comments or leave me an email if you have suggestions!  I would love to hear it :)

Christmas Piano Pandora Station

I promised my music wouldn't include any Christmas songs, but I couldn't resist talking about a Pandora station!  I've been listening to this all week when I've worked on blog posts, and it's been such a great station to listen to.  The songs are all so soothing and beautiful, and not over-the-top with Christmas.  If you also love acoustic guitar, you should check out this station!

Happiness Project Update

Gold Star of the Week:  Ever since I made it my goal of the month to sleep without my phone, and also lower my data plan, I've realized just how much I was unnecessarily attached to my phone.  I would always be on social media checking out what's going on or browsing the Internet for who knows what.  Now that I limit myself during the day and at night, I've found out that I'm really not missing much, and I feel like I'm much more present.  I know Dan appreciates it!

Demerit of the Week: A few weeks ago, I picked up a big bag of gummy bears (my weakness) and a bunch of chocolate goodies from Trader Joes, and I have been eating them non-stop this week!  It's one of those foods where you don't realize how much you've eaten until the bag's almost empty and it's only been a day.  I noticed my skin started to break out and I can't sleep at night, so it's definitely time to get my diet back in check and cut out a lot of sugar!


I hope you like my new set up for the pictures!  I think this shows off the outfit a lot better and is more realistic.

Express jacket, Target dress, Forever 21 necklace, Target flats

Target sweater, Forever 21 cami, Express jeans, Target flats, Awkward hands by me

Madewell cardigan, Target dress, Target scarf, HM tights, HM boots


Bird Set Free - Sia

The cover of this really freaks me out, but it reminds me of an Adele song, but with Sia's unique voice.  Really great, powerful song!  Excited for Sia's new album coming in January!

Light It Up (Remix) - Major Lazer

Your weekly pump up song!  Major Lazer is my go-to for new running tracks, and this song doesn't disappoint!

Drowning Shadows - Sam Smith

I love every song by Sam Smith, so I wanted to share one of his newer songs.  I hope you like it as much as I do!

Hotline Bling - Drake

This song has been out for a while, but it's been stuck in my head all week.  I just started a new project at work, and we had a series of hotlines to answer people's questions.  Every time my meeting notification for "Hotline" pops up, this song comes into my head and is stuck all day!

Here - Alessia Cara

This is another song that's been out for a while, and I hope I haven't mentioned it on here before!  When ever this comes on the radio, Dan and I immediately turn it up because we both love Alessia's voice so much (and what a great name!).  I love this song!

Linking up with MarCynthia and Court 
as well as Heather!


  1. I cannot. stop. listening to Hotline Bling!! Why am I so obsessed with that song??! I didn't know Sia had a song called "Bird Set Free" but that should have been my theme song yesterday! LMAO!! Loving your work outfits this week and I think the new photo set up is perfect. I want a burgundy cardigan so I need to check out that madewell option!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I don't usually like Drake's music but that song is so catchy. I was actually listening to that song when I watched your story! Crazy coincidence. And the cardigan I'm wearing isn't online might be in store but it's called the Favorite Cardigan. SO NICE!!!

  2. I recently added my social media buttons too. It seemed difficult floundering by myself but once I went to Google, it was actually pretty easy.

    1. Definitely! I'll have to check it out and add you :)

  3. I need to follow suit and get off my phone earlier before going to bed. I don't realize I'm doing it and then it's 20 minutes later and I should be asleep! Also, that whole Major Lazer album is full of great running songs, I love it!

    1. I thought it would be hard, but it wasn't at all and I slept SO much better! I'll add his entire CD in Spotify :)

  4. Totally lusting after a leather jacket - it's on my Christmas list :) And I love the new set up!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend !

    1. It's such a great piece to own! I wear it ALL the time. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend Jamie!

  5. Your outfits are always adorable! I need to check out that Christmas Piano station - I don't start listening to Christmas music until Advent starts, but then I play it non-stop from Advent to Epiphany. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Laura! I can't help but listen to Christmas music year always makes me so happy!

  6. Loving the updates and yay for outdoorsy activities!! I would love to hear more about this Facebook group.. I've been looking into Mastermind groups recently after hearing so much about them from podcasts. I'm a firm believer in building communities and helping each other achieve whatever success we're after!

  7. i LOOOOVE "Here"!! I could not stop listening to it for a couple weeks, she's really good. and like, 12 years old. for real. maybe 14, but still super young.

    1. Wait seriously!? That's crazy and I had no idea!! She sounds so mature!

  8. Love the clothes and that lo mein chicken looks fabulous! Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh man that chicken lo mein looks like everything I want in life right now. I totally feel you on the sugar as well! I've done that more times than I would like to admit.

  10. We have become so reliant on our phones it's unreal... I have mine beside me at night, but only for the (four) alarms to get me up in the morning. I usually turn off the data and turn it to silent before going to bed. Otherwise it can be a major distraction.... Oh, and the Lo Mein looks well tasty..

    1. That's a great idea James! I also have multiple alarms so that I wake up. I think having it across the room helps me wake up easier now!

  11. Another favourite post! Love these so much.

  12. Love that limiting your phone use is helping you be more present. I love all your outfits! If you didn't see the email, Athleta just added more stuff to their markdowns, including the fast track tops you like.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! By the time I checked out the sale only XL was left in all the colors :/ probably a good thing since I'm supposed to be on a no-buy. BAD INFLUENCE !!! :-P

  13. Oh, you look hot in that leather jacket!!
    I can't let myself listen to Xmas music until week of Thanksgiving....and then it's 24/7 until the day after Xmas!


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