Weekend Randomness

Happy Monday!  Did you all enjoy your weekend?  Did you relax, or did you have lots of plans?  Did anyone race?  I want to hear all about it!  By the way, in case you missed it, I posted this weekend (WHAT?!) and I would love if you checked out those posts.  I started a GretchRuns Thanksgiving series, which will run every Saturday this month.  I shared some recipes for mini pies which are both adorable and super easy to make.  I also shared my weekly training log, where I racked up 30 miles for the week.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's catch up on this weekend!  I had a few plans, but mostly relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  I also crossed off another item on my 30x30 list, so let's get to the highlights!

Dan and I celebrated our anniversary (a few months late) with dinner at McCormick and Schmick's!  He actually bought a gift card a while ago, and we finally got around to using it.  It was such an amazing meal- one of the top 10 experiences we've had.

I got the Swordfish with Roasted Fall Vegetables and Pancetta Potatoes with Brussels Sprouts and Dan got the Ultimate Mixed Grill.  Everything tasted amazing, and we topped it off with the best port I've ever tasted.  We couldn't get over how amazing it was, so now I'm on a hunt to find Graham's Port Wine at a store near us.  If you ever find that brand (particularly 20 year aged) GET IT.

I went to a belay certification class at The Climbing Wall with a few friends! (one more item to check off my 30x30 list!)  It was so much fun- we learned all the basics of belaying and general rock climbing safety, then we climbed for a few hours.

Included with the class is a free day pass and equipment rental, so I can't wait to go back!  If you're looking to climb, I highly recommend the Climbing Wall, and there are always Groupons available.  Now I have a harness and other climbing gear on my wish list, so this could become a new obsession of mine.

Saturday morning started with a vet appointment for Selma!  It was just a check-up and a few annual shots, but she was really anxious the entire time.  This is the same place where I volunteer and where we adopted her, so I think it really stressed her out.  She did great with her shots, but otherwise she was a spastic mess!  I think we might have to get a new vet if she's going to be this stressed every time we go- I just felt so bad for her the whole time.  Good news though- she's 100% healthy!

When I got home, I watched the Penn State game, went for a run, and finished baking my mini pies for the Humane Society Volunteer Appreciation dinner.  The dinner was a lot of fun, and we got really cute t shirts!

On Sunday, my mom took my sister, Dan and me out for brunch at The Yard in Market Square!  We got bottomless mimosas and watched the Steelers game.  The food was just alright, and the mimosas weren't strong enough (#BrunchSnob) but it was a fun brunch and exciting game!

Dan and I walked around town a bit afterwards and got to see the crew getting the Rink at PPG ready for Light Up Night.  I have actually never gone ice skating downtown, but I love to walk around the glass castles.  Such a beautiful area, and I love it decorated for Christmas!

Tell me about your weekend!

Linking up with CaryleeJennaErin and Katie for Weekend Updates!

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  1. Hooray for swordfish and rock climbing! What a great weekend!:)

  2. My dog does HORRIBLE at the vet. It's so sad! Which is weird since he loooves people. Glad to hear all it well!

    1. Thank goodness we only have to go once a year!! She does fine with the people..just gets so anxious and is whining the whole time :(

  3. No lie, I JUST told my mom I want to go rock climbing (indoors, obviously). Not sure about getting certified but I always loved climbing when I was little.

    1. You should definitely go! And getting certified really wasn't a big deal..it took about an hour and we just learned how to tie a knot and belay. Really simple and not tough at all!!

  4. Happy anniversary! I have only been to Mccormick and Schmidt once and it was very tasty. I went rock climbing before too and it was at more challenging than I thought it would be. Definitely a great upperbody workout. Those mini pies look delicious!

    1. Thank you! It's SO good..a little expensive but a great treat.

  5. I think it's the vet. My cat gets carsick every time I take her, and both to and from the vet's office. To I can understand, but going home?

    1. Ugh that's too bad! Does she get carsick any other time? Selma used to always get sick so now I sit in the back with her and she's fine!

  6. I just love this post because I love port wine, climbing, and mini pies... it's a home run for grabbing my attention. I hope you had a great anniversary! I'm loving your thanksgiving series!

    1. Whoo hoo!! Glad you liked this! And the series! I'm always worried when I try something new that people won't like it so it's just a big waste of time, so that's great to hear :)

  7. I think it would be so cool to try rock climbing!!

  8. I'd love to go to light up night if it's not too cold this year, but my guess is it will be, lol. It always is! I never heard of the rock climbing wall but now I'm on the hunt to get it on my to do list! That looks like so much fun!! What a great weekend!

    1. That sounds just like me! Plus it's been so crowded and annoying lately! It puts me in the opposite of a jolly mood :) You should definitely check out the climbing wall..so much fun!

  9. I love the pic of Selma and Dan kissing at the vet, although I feel so bad that Selma was so stressed out. :( I've been rock climbing before, a loooong time ago. It was fun! My arms are piddly little things though so I didn't get very far, but still cool to try new things.

    1. My arms were dying by the end! Dan wanted to keep going but I could barely belay for him by the end. So much work!

  10. My dog is known as the bad dog at the vets, she runs around the office refuses to listen and tries to bite the Doctor. I kind of think it's funny because she is good outside of the office. My weekend was pretty low key. Went for a nice 5 miler Saturday and Sunday was football and lounging.

    1. Oh no! Thankfully Selma doesn't do that..but whines a whole lot. Sounds like a nice weekend!

  11. oh that meal looks AHmazing.
    my cats always freak out at the vets as well, poor things. my dog (at home) used to love it! what a weirdo lol.

  12. I love an awesome dinner out, looks like you had a great weekend!

  13. What a fun weekend! As usual with your posts, the food looks amazing! The mini pies...yum!!! And I'm impressed with your wall climbing skills!

  14. Sounds like a great weekend! My weekend consisted of finding myself a wedding dress. It was a success!

  15. My friend is a rock climber, she has some super ripped arms---life goals! Poor puppy being nervous at the vet, my small dog get nervous but my bigger one couldnt care less...until they bring in the canned cheese then hes all over that!

    1. I want ripped arms too!! So funny about your dogs :)

  16. Rock climbing looks so fun! We have coupons to climb at our local REI, but I'm such a baby about heights that I'm a bit nervous about it. Poor Selma at the vet - Charlie gets so nervous at the vet also and usually they have to bribe him with peanut butter. t's hard on rescue dogs in particular.

    1. You should try it out! The equipment is so sturdy and will hold you up so there's nothing to be afraid of!

  17. Sorry to hear about your nervous dog at the vet! I completely understand that she is nervous because you adopted her from there but my dogs get anxious at every vet no matter what. They can sense it's the vet on the drive or it seems. I just try to give them lots of love and treats but they still get stressed so don't feel alone at all. I have to take both my dogs tomorrow so hopefully it's nice and I can take them for a walk before hand. A tired pup, makes it slightly easier.

    1. Thanks for saying that Sheena! Makes me feel a bit better, but I still hate seeing her like that :( Hopefully your visit went well!

  18. Oh I just conquered the Rock Wall this summer! I was so frightened and didn't expect to make it to the top, but I did!

    1. Great job!!! Doesn't it feel amazing to reach the top?

  19. Love being able to see your weekend (and weekly) pics on IG.
    Chill weekend for me - the best part was going to my friend's daughter's 1st birthday party. She's a cutie!

  20. Your mini pies are so cute! SCRR does a run through the downtown holiday lights each year. I'm planning on doing it with 2 of my friends. Join us! It would be fun if we got a big group of people to go.

  21. Ugh, I hate taking our dogs to the vet. They both get so anxious I feel terrible. Glad Selma is healthy! Rock climbing looks really fun and those pies look cute and delicious, I have a soft spot for cute/tiny food.


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