Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 7

What a week!  I had a ton of firsts in my seventh week of marathon training- first group run, first long run without music/podcast, first run in a new pair of shoes, first evening speed workout, and first 30+ mile week.  I had some great workouts and I'm excited to share them!  Here we go:


2.5 miles / 9:07 pace
After work, Dan wanted to go for a run so I joined him for some easy miles.  He's starting to get too fast for me to run with him on my easy days!  My legs were a bit sore from my long run but the short miles helped to stretch them out.


6 miles / 8:21 pace
I was planning on taking this as a rest day, but after checking the weather and seeing a 60 degree, clear day on Tuesday and a 40 degree, rainy day on Wednesday I switched it up.  I headed to North Park after work, and it got dark really fast!  I didn't have a headlamp with me (stupid mistake) so I used my cell phone as a flashlight.  It made the workout a bit harder, but I still got it done.

After warming up for a mile, I did one mile at a 7:30 pace, jogged for a few minutes, then ran a 15:00 tempo at an 8:10 pace.  Jogged for a few more minutes, then ran as hard as I could for 1/2 mile and cooled down for a mile.  It was a tough workout, especially in the dark and with hills thrown in, but I was happy to get through it!


Rest Day!
Much needed rest day!  I did my yoga and core workout in the evening.


4.5 miles / 9:27 pace
I went for an easy run around town before work and tested out a new pair of shoes!  Brooks just released a new version of the Pure Flows, which are my favorite shoes.  So far I'm liking them, but I'll share more thoughts after I've run with them more.


Rest Day!


14 miles / 9:19 pace
For my long run, I joined the Pro Bike and Run group for 14 miles.  This group meets every week to train for the Pittsburgh Marathon, and I kept meaning to join them but would make excuses and skip it to run alone.  Finally, I told Jessie (who always joins them) that I would go this week so that I couldn't get out of it, and actually made it!  It was an absolute perfect day for a run, and I was definitely over dressed (tights, long sleeve and a vest!).  Good thing that I use long runs as dress rehearsals for race day :)

I went with the 9:30 pace group for a great run around the city- going through Oakland, South Side, and Station Square.  There were some hills thrown in there and some time on the Pittsburgh Marathon course, but I felt great the entire time.  I split off from the main group at around 8 miles to run with another women, and we ended up finishing the run with sub 9:00 miles!  It was my longest run in almost a year, and I felt strong and excited to keep training.  I'll definitely be back to join this group!


3.5 miles / 9:07 pace
It was another perfect day outside, and I decided to hit the trails for this run.  Dan and I went to Oakland so that he could stop by the library and I ran at Schenley Park.  I used to live in that area so that's where the majority of my runs were!  It was great to be back there.  I felt really sluggish and tired for the first half mile, then my muscles loosened up and my pace picked up.  I didn't keep an eye on my pace, so I was pleasantly surprised to see such a quick pace when I took it easy.

linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin and also with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC


  1. I used to love those group runs once a week when I was marathon training. Like just put it on cruise control, and let someone else carry you!

    1. Yes! That's exactly how I felt. There was no slowing down!

  2. Great to see you came out with the group! Hope to see you at more soon!

  3. Glad you came & hope you'll be back! At least for me, the group run is always motivation to just get up and get my damn run in. Instead of pushing it back and trying to find the motivation later. :)

    1. I definitely will be! I'm so glad I finally went.

  4. Great job, definitely a deserved A+ grade! I haven't been on a group run in a really long time, it can be really motivating!

  5. Great momentum carrying you from week to week! Lots of great first this week too. That Tuesday workout sounds tough!!! I'm glad you had a good experience with PB&R. I really like that group and plan to run with them most Saturdays.

  6. Do you feel like you have to run faster than Dan now? Whenever Roger starts running faster than me, I get annoyed and want to run faster than him... and I'm not a competitive person at all!

    1. I'm still faster than Dan and I think I always will be, because I put in way more miles than him. Luckily we're not that competitive with running and both just want to do our best no matter who ends up winning!

  7. First of all, way to go DAN!!! Getting too fast, eh? ATTA BOY! Also, I'm really proud of you for getting out there for a group run. As much as I love my solidarity, I do really miss my Tuesday night group runs I used to do years ago!

  8. Nice week! I found your blog through Courtney. I'm a fellow PA runner!!

  9. Girl, you are smashing this training out of the park! Another A+ week?!

    Way to go Dan, too!

  10. What a great week of training! Im usually a solo runner, but lately I’ve been finding that my runs are so much better when I’m running with someone else! Plus it gives me the motivation I need to get out in the first place! ;)

  11. Just found your blog - happy to be following along! Looks like a great week!

  12. Hi, Gretchen. It's good to see you back on the Weekly Wrap. What a wonderful week of "firsts". I'm glad you had a good experience with your group long run. That should make those miles fly right by. Good luck as you continue to train for your marathon. Thanks for linking.


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