What's New With You? Linkup #12

I'm back!  This has been such a great break for me, not only from work (the longest I've had off since I started 5 years ago!) but also from social media.  I haven't been blogging, and decided to delete a few of my accounts.  I'll get into that later in this post, but I want to officially wish you all a happy 2017, and I'm excited to get back in the swing of things.  This is also my 500th post on GretchRuns which is a huge milestone to me!

No better way to jump back in than to talk about what's new, so let's go! - and don't forget to link up your blog at the bottom!


To put it mildly, running has been fantastic lately.  I'm not sure exactly what's changed in me, but I've felt more motivated and excited about working out than ever before in my life!  Every day I wake up ready to get in my workout for the day, and think about training pretty much 24/7.  Luckily, during my break I was able to hit every workout and could fit in running and yoga whenever I wanted.  Now that I'm back to work, I hope that this doesn't change and I continue the hard work.  

Besides just running, I'm also reading a lot of books to learn about getting faster.  I'm in the middle of Meb for Mortals and also have Born to Run on my wish list.  There are so many podcasts I've been listening to and getting some great advice from, including I'll Have Another and the Runners World Podcast.


Last month, one of my goals was to do the 30 Days of Yoga on Adriene's YouTube channel.  I finished it, and I can tell what a major difference it's made!  I'm already so much more flexible and it seems to help with recovery.  This year, she launched a 31 Days of Yoga challenge that Dan and I are doing together.  We're only on day 5, but I'm loving it and plan on continuing until my marathon! 

It seems like doing yoga every day is excessive, but these videos are not intense at all.  For the most part, they focus on meditation and relaxing your mind.  There are always little challenges thrown in (like holding planks or doing a few reps of a core move), but for the most part it's been a fantastic way to spend 30 minutes of my day!


I just celebrated six months of being a vegan, and it's been great.  I've found so many new recipes that I love (I just made this last night and Dan and I devoured it immediately) and I think it's really helping my training as well.  It was a bit of a challenge at first to make sure I was eating enough and getting in all of my vitamins and minerals.  After I started using My Fitness Pal, I realized I was always low in iron and B3, so I added a daily multivitamin and it's made a huge difference.  I won't lie and pretend that I'm a perfect vegan every day- when I go out to eat, I can usually only find something vegetarian on the menu so I make that compromise.  It also makes me want to eat at home and save money more!

I mentioned in my running plan post that I was going to stop drinking alcohol during the week, and so far that's been going great as well.  Getting in extra water and keeping myself hydrated is also helping me with recovery.  I feel like all of these small changes that I'm making are really helping me get better overall and I couldn't be happier!


I know there's always debates in January about resolutions and how they ruin lives or are pointless and yada yada yada, but the fact is that I love settings goals.  I like to work towards things and have something written down at the beginning of the year.  This year, Dan and I worked on resolutions together and came up with a list- some of it is just things we want to save up for, some is a to-do list for the house, and some are goals.  Here are a few things that are on my resolution list for 2017:

  • Break 4 hours in the marathonThis is a big goal on my 30x30 list, and I feel like I'm in a good place to make it happen this year.  My first attempt will be at the Gettysburg Marathon, and I'm also planning on running Philadelphia at the end of the year.
  • Buy lunch less than 2 times per monthI'm usually really good about meal prep and packing my lunch, but last year I started to get lazy and it really adds up!
  • Learn a song on pianoWe bought an electric keyboard a few months ago, and I've been teaching myself how to play.  I want to learn to play a song all the way through!
  • No-buy until the marathonI was listening to a podcast where they suggested saving a dollar for every mile you run during marathon training, and using that money to buy a reward after the race.  I started this on January 1 and I think it'll motivate me to follow my running schedule and not skip a workout!
  • Be more creativeI love making crafts and being creative, and haven't been making this a priority for the past few years.  I want to start sewing more regularly, paint again, or just do something creative every month.
  • Disconnect dailyNow onto the social media talk- I realized that I was too obsessed with my phone and social media in general, which got in the way of real life.  I deactivated my Facebook, deleted Snapchat, and moved my Instagram and Twitter app to a hidden folder on my phone.  I also decided that when I get home from work, my phone goes in a tray at our front door and I won't grab it until I'm ready to go to bed.  
  • Save $$$!!!  We have a lot of big purchases we want to make next year- a second car that can fit bikes and kayaks and other fun outdoorsy things, all of those fun outdoorsy things, starting a travel budget, and rebuilding our back deck.  To do all of these things, we need to be better about not spending money on pointless things and saving money at the grocery store (also- not eating out for dinner!)
  • Start home brewingThis is going to be our fun challenge for the year!  We got some Christmas money from our family and decided to spend it on a home brewing kit.  Both Dan and I love beer, and we have a perfect combination of loving to cook (me) and being very detail oriented (Dan..aka an engineer).  I'm really excited to get started and hope to have you all over for a beer tasting sometime this year!   

What's New With You!?


  1. I'm finding a lot of people are examining ways to disconnect from social media. It's all such a personal balance, isn't it? I like the phone in the tray action when you get home.

    1. It's been working great so far. Glad that I found what works for me!

  2. I've always found social media to be a bit of a bore and a time suck, so I never have an issue with switching off. In fact, I don't even switch on most of the time. I only have instagram on my phone, just so I can post via Buffer to it (otherwise it doesn't work), I rarely browse the app itself. Everything else, I don't have unless I access through the computer but that is rare. I simply do not like it - probably because it is the most unsociable thing ever, ironically.

    I prefer to live in a bubble :)

    Good luck with all your running goals and happy new year to you!

    1. I wish I felt that way...I get way too engrossed in it and can lose hours. It's much better now that I don't have the option!

  3. I agree with the others--we are all starting a little bit of a social media disconnect. I think we were just so burnout after the election--I mean, we were badgered by it every day on TOP of what we already do for our blogs. I also think that we are settling a bit into our blogs and what we want to do with them, making some decisions.
    I am also on the save money train. Other than a nice dinner this weekend before Phantom, Alex and I are going on a spending freeze.

    1. Yeah..the election really killed it for me. Not only seeing how the media can twist stories and events but also how people I consider friends can act...really made me want to move to my own island!!

  4. I swear I can feel the positive energy coming off of this post. I think sub 4 is a very reasonable, yet challenging goal for you. If training continues to go well, I don't doubt that you will absolutely get it this year.

    I just posted a little bit about my yoga journey and one of my goals is mastering crow pose...and then I come here and you are just making it look so easy (while I'm terrified I'm going to fall right on my face, ha!).

    Congratulations on 500 posts!

    1. Thank you so much Heather! That's so nice of you to say :)

  5. hmmm Meb for Mortals sounds interesting. i know several people who've read Born to Run and liked it, but I've never really read a running book. good job on the yoga girl!
    saving $1 for every mile you run is brilliant. i need to try that! aw man, i'm sad you deleted snapchat, but i understand. i am not a fan of twitter and haven't been on in like a month, and i'm considering deleting it completely. i think it's such a personal thing and we all need to find what works for us. for me, i have data disabled on everything but maps, clock & weather - meaning i can't check instagram or snapchat or anything while i'm driving or with other people. i can't believe how many people get on their phone when you're hanging out or eating. so rude!

    1. I'm not really a fan of twitter either so I'm thinking of deleting that as well. Maybe IG is next!

  6. I am ALL IN for home brew tasting. One of the things we hope to do this fall is make our own cider. We stopped at a cider house out near the Poconos & Mr. Sass got really into chatting with the owner about the process. She said it is SO simple, and the hardest part is finding a recipe you love, and getting apple juice if you choose to do it yourself.

    So, I'm pretty excited. And now my wheels are turning wondering if we can put a home brew kit on the wedding registry...? Whadda ya think.

    1. Yay!! You're invited!

      And great idea to add it to your registry. Love that idea.

  7. I'm going to check out that YouTube channel. I've been wanting to start practicing yoga again but there are just so many videos out there that finding one is sort of overwhelming! I'm mostly good about managing the time I spend on social media, the only one I really use on a regular basis is Instagram. There are still times though when I find myself scrolling through Facebook when I should have picked up a book!

  8. I started to get lazy at the end of the year with lunch too. Then I get angry because it's like throwing money out the window! I am typically okay with buying once a week (Friday!).

  9. My boyfriend and I realized we were way too connected to social media and just mindless scrolling on our phones that we decided to do a no phones in the bedroom. I know this sounds like common sense but we hang out in our room a lot. It's a cozy place that we end up in more than any other room. It was hard at first but it had made me appreciate our conversations more. I think you have some great goals!

    1. I think that's a great idea and I bet your boyfriend appreciates your attention!

  10. Disconnecting from social media more is something I would really like to do... I can't delete counts completely because of my business but I would like set timeframes and only check during those hours. So excited about your homebrewing- I hope you share some posts about it, always was interested in doing it especially since my husband works in the craft beer industry!

    1. I probably shouldn't have deleted them if I want to further my blog, but it really wasn't worth it to me.

  11. Cool post. I can feel how healthy you are in this post! I've always wanted to brew my own beer. Well just have to fly down one day and try some of yours! You've got that sub-4 in the BAG. Go get it!

  12. I try really hard to bring lunch every day, but I dislike planning what I want to bring for lunches, so it's so easy for me to just not want to.

    1. I LOVE planning and prepping..guess that gives me even less of an excuse to not do it!

  13. That's awesome that running is going so well for you! I feel like you're going to crush your training and the marathon:) Also.. had to mention, ever since seeing that you saved up your Ibotta savings and bought a bag.. I had to FINALLY sign up. After only like 2ish weeks I'm already at $20 and waaayyy too excited haha. You've inspired me:)

  14. My husband makes beer and wine at home - both from kits & he loves it. The only problem is that we always have beer and wine available, so it can be a test for willpower sometimes, haha. I love Yoga with Adriene but haven't completed one of the challenges yet. Hopefully this year! Congrats on the 6 months of veganism!

    1. PS I meant to mention (and forgot to) that my husband is ALSO an engineer and very process-oriented so the home brewing works out well for him. 4 of his engineer friends have also had great success where a few of our other friends have not. So I'm sure it will be great for you! ;)

    2. That's so cool!! I hope we have that problem some day :)

  15. Thank you for hosting. This is my first link up over here! My husband SO wants a home brewing kit. You'll have to write up how it goes! I like the idea but I'm afraid he'll accidentally poison us...

    1. Welcome to the link up!! I'm so glad you joined us and I found your blog :)

  16. Thanks for introducing me to that yoga with adriene! I love it! :)

  17. Great goals for the year!


  18. Yay congrats on the vegan diet! Ive been vegan almost 2 years- I love it! It helped me get faster, so I wonder if will help you do this same to crush that marathon goal! Looking forward to keeping up with you in 2017!

    1. That's awesome Kerri! I hope it makes me faster too.

  19. My husband starting home-brewing a few weeks ago. It's an undertaking! He got a PicoBrew one. It made a fantastic IPA last week.
    I deleted IG for about 2 weeks around Christmas. It felt good.

  20. I really like your idea of keeping your phone in a tray when you get home from work! I've been putting my phone on do not disturb so that I don't keep checking it every time I hear a vibrate!

    1. It's been great so far..I don't even feel like looking at it!

  21. I'm with you, I like setting goals too. I want to try yoga with Adriene!

  22. It's my favorite time of the day now! I love it and love how I feel afterwards.

  23. I love that you added being creative as one of your goals! What a great way to add some fun and find a more regular creative outlet!

    I'm hoping to do more craft/DIY projects this year as it's one of my favourite things to do on the weekend!

    1. It's so relaxing :) I hope you share some crafts!

  24. I like the idea of having goals, especially if they are manageable so I think it's great that you wrote out things that you want to accomplish this year! I hope you do well with saving money. I need to get back into doing that as well. I'm also on the lookout for some type of second job that works with my schedule. I'd love for it to be based online, because that would make things easier, but we'll see.


    1. That would be ideal! good luck finding something :)

  25. Amazing work with the running! I have yet to find my motivation in 2017 so thanks for the inspiration :) I find the end of the year is always so manic, and I know the beginning of this year will be too as we prepare to move overseas, so I'm trying to carve out as much guilt free me time as I can! Easier said than done. I'm also very much on the budget train, so creative savings ideas, recipes etc are most welcome.

    1. Running definitely helps me during stressful times, but if I can't find time for it I try not to stress even more :) Good luck balancing it all!

  26. I love your list of goals.... my only " problem" is that I need extra time in the day to accomplish everything I want to accomplish :)

    Disconnecting from Social Media is a great goal. I have purposefully not started using Snapchat, IG stories, and such because I feel that I am 'maxed' out with FB and IG as it is.

    1. Same for me! I just have to watch less TV, put away my computer, and turn off my phone. Then I magically have 3 extra hours in my day!

  27. So awesome that you're in a great groove with training. That's so important in order to have a good training cycle. Your goals and resolutions for this year all sound awesome too. Here's to a great 2017!


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