March 30- Weekly Goals

Welcome to another week, the last of March!  The year is already a quarter of the way over (I work in a bank so I'm all about the quarters!)  and on Wednesday I'll be doing my first monthly goal wrap-up!  Does anyone else love the end of one month and the beginning of another?  I know I do!
Today, I'll be doing another weekly goals.  This week should be very relaxed and not busy at all, thank goodness.  I'm looking forward to going to all my normal gym classes and seeing my favorite instructors!  I also have my first race of the year.  Here is my plan for the week:

3.5 miles

Group Centergy
C25K : 5 minute warmup, 28 minute run

Speed workout : 1 mile warmup, 6 x 400 @ 1:45, 400 m jog between
1 mile cool down - Total of 5 miles

Group Power
C25K : 5 minute warmup, 28 minute run

Spin class

PHenomenal Hope 5K Race
A Goal- 23:00 (7:24 pace)
B Goal- 25:00 (8:03)
C Goal- 27:00 (8:41)

Rest day!!

It's going to be a busy week with my first race of the year on Saturday!  I'm really excited to see what kind of shape I'm in, and it should be a fun race.

I hope everyone has a great week!  What are your plans for the final week of March?


  1. Good luck on your race next Saturday! I'm sure you'll do great!

  2. Good luck on your 5K! 23 minutes is a goal of mine as well. :)

    1. Thanks Emma! I'm worried my legs will be too tired to have any speed, so we'll see how I do!

  3. You've got that schedule down!! I love when you find a class with an instructor you really like! That's how I feel about this yoga class I take, fortunately she teaches 3 times a week :)
    Goodluck with everything!!

    xo Robin

    1. That's great! There's so many great instructors at my gym so I want to go to so many classes! Too many choices is a good thing :)

  4. Oh wow, I didn't know your 5K was this weekend! Is Dan nervous! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

    1. Hi Jennifer! Actually dans race is next weekend. I'm doing this one alone! He's not acting nervous at all but we'll see how he feels next week :)

  5. Good luck at the 5K - I think you're going to do great!


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