Top Five Friday #26

Happy Friday!  Aren't short work weeks the best?  This has been a terrific week for me- it's really funny how big of a difference one little holiday (particularly on a Monday) can make.  I'm not complaining!  I hope you all had a great week and will enjoy reading some of my current favorite products!  This is a very random week of favorites, so get ready!

Quick side note - I wrote a guest post over at my blogging buddy Emma's blog.  If you haven't checked out her posts, you're missing out.  I absolutely love her blog and it's quickly become a favorite of mine.  I would love it if you stopped by and tell her hi, and let me know what you think about my post!

Asus Chromebook Flip

After blogging from Dan's laptop and my old iPad for months, I finally decided to buy my own laptop!  I did some research, and found that this particular chromebook was a fantastic value- it's less than $300, super lightweight, a 2-in-1 (tablet and laptop) and holds a charge for hours!  I absolutely love it so far and highly recommend it if you're looking for a cheap laptop.  The only (semi) downside is that it's tiny- the screen is only 10 inches- but I actually like how portable and lightweight it is!

The Girl Next Door Podcast

I've mentioned my love of podcasts before (check out my favorites here), and I recently discovered the Girl Next Door Podcast (p.s. don't try to google image search that term...).  This podcast features next door neighbors who discuss a variety of topics (from what's in their beauty collection to recent DIY projects) while sipping on new cocktails that they're trying out.  My favorite part is when they do "neighborhood talk" and gossip about what's going on in their street.  I'm not sure why I find it so interesting to hear about random people who live hundreds of miles away- but it's so entertaining to hear about the latest adventures of Saw Guy and Hell's Angels!  Both of them radiate positivity and seem like the sweetest people about dream neighbors!

Trader Joe's Antioxidant Facial Moisturizer

I was in the market for a new moisturizer, and decided to give Trader Joe's a try since I heard great things about their skin care line.  Not only is this product a great value (6 oz for $5.99) but it's fantastic!  It's a thin consistency, which makes it great for summer when my skin is more oily.  It's a really basic formula that doesn't irritate my skin at all and is basically scent-less.  I'm looking forward to trying their cleanser as well as soon as I finish my CeraVe Foaming cleanser!  If you're interested in reading a more in-depth review, Paula's Choice (my go-to site when looking for new skin care products) gave both a great rating - Moisturizer and Cleanser.

Lauren Conrad's NYFW Collection

I love Lauren Conrad (and her blog), so I was really excited to hear she had her first fashion show at this year's New York Fashion Week!  Her looks were so gorgeous and dreamy- I can't pick a favorite (although the one above is definitely high on the list).  I always like to see her new collections for Kohls, so I'm hoping this aesthetic will translate to her more affordable line so I can wear it all!

12 Walks to Take in Pittsburgh

If you're planning on visiting Pittsburgh any time soon, or you're a local, I highly recommend checking out Fittsburgh's blog! They're constantly highlighting different neighborhoods, upcoming events, and also host tons of events in the area.  This week they published a post on different walks to take in Pittsburgh and I wanted to share it!  I'm lucky enough to get to walk in all of these areas, almost on a daily basis!  Where's your favorite place to walk in your city?

Happiness Project Update

I have a huge update and gold star for myself this week- I went swimming!  I went to the gym last night and swam for 20 minutes (then rewarded myself with a soak in the hot tub and steam room).  It was a hard workout, but I really enjoyed myself.  Now that I'm over the mental hurdle, I'm hoping to go back a few times a week!



How can you not love Mariah? A bit of a throwback but I love this song!

I'm SO EXCITED for Pentatonix's upcoming album! Their first single is incredible, and I was so excited to see it being played on the radio. Way to go PTX!

The original is one of my (current) favorite songs, and adding Lindsey Stirling made it that much better. I wish that Lindsey would just cover every song that's out right now.

Empire Soundtrack : Good Enough
To be completely honest, I was never really a fan of the show Empire. The songs, though, are a different story! This is definitely my favorite from the album, but I recommend checking them all out!

Rachmaninoff : Piano Concerto No. 3
This piece is just so beautiful!  I especially love the second movement (Intermezzo).  Gorgeous.

What are your favorites from the week?
Does anyone else swim?  Does it get easier?!  I haven't been so out of breath from exercise..probably ever!

Linking up with MarCynthia and Court 
as well as Heather!


  1. Nice job with the swimming! I might need to check out that podcast- sounds very entertaining! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! And you should check it's really great!

  2. That Lauren Conrad dress is gorgeous! I haven't bought "real clothes" for work in ages, so this fall I think I might switch from buying activewear to work clothes. I just hate spending money on work clothes since many people just wear jeans & tees/sweatshirts so I don't need to dress nice for work. But I'll have to check out that line at Kohl's. Thanks for the tip!

    1. They have some really cute things, and always great deals if you have a Kohls card (luckily Dan has one!)

  3. I love swimming. There is a pool at my gym, but it is the first thing when you walk in, and let's just say I am beyond nervous to swim in front of lots of people. My favorites this week, my bread turning out perfect, blogging for over a week, finding out I'm getting a new computer in a couple weeks!!!! Have a great day

    1. Same here...I probably looked like a drowning fish! There's also windows in the pool so you can see it from the outside, and then windows in the main lobby that look down at the pool. More inspiration for me to get better!

      congrats on blogging! I'm loving following you :)

  4. I started swimming when I was pregnant with Callum and it was so hard at first. I had never been taught technique, and I had no idea how to breathe. But I kept at it and eventually it got a bit easier and smoother for me. I found the breathing rhythm the hardest thing to nail down!

    1. That's great to hear! I'm hoping I look a little more graceful if I keep it up..I felt like I was just flopping around..not cute!

  5. You're totally inspiring me to get back in the pool. I am hoping to ease back into it next spring as a way to cross train. And thank you for the TJs moisturizer recommendation. I will definitely have to pick some up since I find my skin getting super oily by the end of the day!

    1. I hope you like it! And you can be my virtual swimming buddy..I need help

  6. I havent swam laps in years. I am more of a just getting in the pool andlounging kind of gal. But I love a hot tub. So relaxing!

    1. I am too..which is why I was struggling so much haha! The hot tub was amazing!

  7. I kinda want to be Lauren Conrad. She pretty much rocks. I want to go on a walk with you in PGH! I am totally looking into that laptop...

    1. I would love to walk with you!! Come visit soon!! :)

  8. I used to be on swim teams every year, winter and summer. Summer was outdoor/ocean swim team, winter was indoor/pool swim team... and I am NOT a good swimmer anymore hahaha. I go sometimes with friends and just struggle through the workouts. oops, should prob get a coach or something.... and oh LC. I loved the hills, loved laguna beach, her blog is a bit too much for me, but that dress is gorgeous!!

    1. Wow- you were quite a swimmer! It's crazy how quickly people can lose fitness, whether it's running or swimming. All that hard work for nothing :(

  9. I saw a few pics of Lauren Conrad's stuff and I really like it! There was one Chloe-esque bag that was like $100...that seems kinda steep for Kohl's, no? The podcast you like sounds right up my guilty pleasure alley. I can't remember because it hasn't been on for awhile, but are you a DWTS watcher? I need to know if I can look forward to your thoughts on that here!
    Gina | On the Daily Express

    1. You would love the podcast! It's so great. I kinda wish I lived on their street so I could pop in and say "hey neighbor!" And YESSS to DWTS!! I'm so excited. I'm kind of over summer TV shows which is why i didn't post about them today, but I'm so ready for all the Fall shows to start!!! We'll have to chat about your faves :)

  10. A few people have recommended The Girl Next Door so I think it's time that I jump on the bandwagon! And good job making it to the pool! It's on my bucket list and I'd love to use the pool at school when things settle down. I hope you have a great weekend, Gretchen!!

    1. You definitely should! It's the perfect podcast to listen to while's just like having a conversation with a best friend!

  11. I'm OBSESSED with Lauren Conrad, and wish she could be my personal stylist for clothes

    1. ME TOO!!! Let's get a double session with her ok!? OK!


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