Towpath Half Marathon Training #5

I have to say that this was a great week of training for me.

Early in the summer, I loved running in the heat.  I've always been a fan of the summer and warm weather/humidity/sun never really bothered me.  However, after months and hundred of miles of sweating and sweltering this year, I was just about sick and tired of summer.  Where is the fall weather we're supposed to be getting?  It's September, why is it still 90 degrees?!    

This week, though, I decided to change my mindset.  Pretty soon, it'll be chilly out and I'll miss these warm days.  Days when I don't have to put on layer after layer, or worry about slipping on ice.  I can just run and soak in the sun.  It's amazing how changing your thoughts can really affect your mood and performance- every workout this week was amazing and I felt terrific and strong!  Who knows- maybe next week the weather will cool down (we already got hints of it this weekend!), and maybe we'll continue this heat wave.  I can't help what the weather will be, but I can change my mindset and be grateful that I get to run!

Let's get into the week of workouts now that I'm done babbling- enjoy!


5 miles easy / 48:00 / 9:35 pace
I felt really, really good on this run.  I went later in the morning when it was sunny and warm (this was actually the run where I had the moment of clarity and decided to stop complaining about hot runs).  I took it really easy, and luckily my legs weren't sore at all, and I never got out of breath.  Probably my best "easy run" ever!


5 miles hard / 47:42 / 9:32 pace
I actually woke up before work to run after nearly sleeping through my alarm (again).  The phrase "Losers make excuses while winners make it happen"  randomly popped in my head, and it got me out the door.  I warmed up for 2 miles (always takes a bit longer and much slower in the morning) then ran 16 minutes alternating a fast minute and slow minute, followed by a cool down until I hit 5 miles.  The hard portions felt great and it was a perfect early morning workout!

Group Centergy
It's almost time for the new release, so I know all of the moves by now.  That's both good and bad- I don't have to listen for instruction so I can get more out of the workout, but it's getting a bit boring.  I'm excited for the new release!


7 miles interval / 1:01:00 / 8:42 pace
My original plan was to run with my 10 miler training group, but it got cancelled for an incoming storm.  I went out anyway since I love running in the rain, and ended up having one of my best workouts ever.  

The plan was to run 2x2 miles at "threshold pace", which I was planning for 8:30 paces.  I started out my first set with an 8:11 mile followed by 8:02 and figured I went out too fast and my second set would be horrible.  An amazing thing happened and I managed 8:02 and 7:55 for my second set without ever getting out of breath or feeling tired. WHAT!?  I'm not sure how I managed that days after a 5k PR, but I felt incredible.  Yay for running in the rain!


20 minute swim
Today I just wanted to take my swim slowly and easily, both because it was my first time (ever) swimming laps, and because I had a hard run the day before.  I didn't keep track of how many laps I swam, but I switched between freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke.  I have to admit it was really tough and a great workout!


3 miles easy 
I worked from home, so I got to go running at lunchtime.  It was a beautiful day, so I ran 3 miles watch-free while listening to podcasts!  Fantastic recovery run.


3 miles easy
More easy miles, this time with Dan.  It was chilly and raining the entire time-perfect running weather!  I was feeling a little bit sore for some reason, so I took it really easy and shortened my run from 5 miles to 3.


10 miles long / 1:37:00 / 9:41
I was hoping to run on the Northshore River Trail this morning (along with Chelsea, Lynne and Jeff) but our car is still in the shop, and I didn't feel comfortable driving my dad's car around town.  Luckily, there are tons of trails nearby, and I got to run on the Southside River Trail.  Believe it or not, this was my first time ever running on that part of the trail!  It was absolutely gorgeous and filled with bikers, runners, walkers, and dogs.  The run overall wasn't the best, but I was happy to have decent paces after my toughest training week yet!

A total of 33 miles, a new cross training activity, and an amazing speed workout?  I'll take it!  The race is less than a month away, and I feel like my training is going really well.  Hoping that this keeps up and I can see my goal in my sights!  

How is your training going?
What is the weather like where you are?
Are you ready for fall or hoping summer hangs around?

Linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap


  1. I'm so ready for fall! I had such a hard time adapting to the Florida humidity and I don't think I ever will - ready for some cool weather!

    1. Yes, Florida has got to be terrible right now! But, at least you won't have to deal with freezing temps and snow before too long!

  2. I don't complain about the heat either, I secretly love it. Memphis summer was very hot this year, however this morning it was in th 50's so I had to dig out my running pants. So happy to hear you had a great week training. Have a great day

    1. Thank you Heather! I think those hot days make us appreciate cooler mornings. Then the freezing months will make us appreciate the warmth again!

  3. My training right now sucks, to be honest. I went on vacation and meant to run but didn't, and then since coming back to SoCal it is literally hotter than the sun's surface so running is the last thing I want to do. I'm on my couch right now with the fan on (stupid electricity bill....) and moving even a little is sweat inducing. Over it. I'm ready for 70s and cool breezes! Cmon, LA winter!

    1. I'm sorry to hear that! It's always hard to get back in the habit after a vacation, but you'll get back in no time! And in the winter when I'm crying about snow and ice and millions of layers I have to put on, you can laugh and keep running in shorts in LA!!

  4. I love the graph you include with your mileage. I might have to steal that idea... My training has been pretty good, but I'm running less than I would like! We've had perfect running weather this past weekend and I'm hoping it stays for a while!

    1. Thank you! I stole it from another blogger as well! I hope you keep that perfect weather as well. Makes a huge difference.

  5. Awesome week!!! Fall weather is my favorite to run in, but like you said pretty soon we will all want the hot weather to be back. Hopefully we all just get nice temps for our fall races we all have planned.

    1. That would be fantastic! The weather this weekend was perfect and I it stays around and doesn't get warmer or cooler :)

  6. Awesome week, Gretchen! You're at a great place with training with the race so close. Keep at it, and you're going to kick butt on race day! Unlike most people, I will *not* miss the warm days once fall comes for good. :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I know for sure you're looking forward to cold and snow. Me? Not so much!

  7. Your half is going to be amazing! You have been killing your training. You had negative splits for your 2x2 workout and you have been doing a great job keeping the pace easy on your long runs (and not missing any long runs either)!

    1. Thanks so much Heather! I'm definitely most proud for not skipping or shortening any long runs yet. Huge accomplishment for me!

  8. Sounds like you had a great week of training!

    Mine was pretty good (especially since it was mostly easy runs!). It seems like every week one run really sucks & the rest are good.

    1. I love those easy weeks! I know what you mean about one horrible run..happens every week :/

  9. I've said it before, but I just love your illustration of your week of training! It is so visual and just plain cool! Awesome job on sticking with you Wednesday run in the rain! Looks like you nailed it! Your training IS going well and you'll do great in your race! Good Luck to you and thanks again for linking up with us! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much Tricia :) I love running in the rain so that was a perfect situation for me! Thank YOU for hosting the linkup!

  10. You had a great week! Your speed workout is very impressive. You are definitely ready for your half! I love that you decided to change your mindset about the heat. I've done that a few times myself this summer. LOL. After six months of it, it tends to get old again. Oh, and you killed it on the Fitbit challenge last week! Thanks for linking up with us today!

    1. Thanks Holly! I'm hoping I'll be ready. I can't imagine half of the year being in this heat..idk how you do it!


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