Veg Feast 2016

Hi everyone!  I hope that you all had a great weekend.  I'm excited for this week because it's going to be short thanks to the holiday. I can make it through three days!

Yesterday, Dan and I went to an event called Veg Feast with a few of our vegan friends.  This was a full feast of all vegan foods, made by some local restaurants.  There was also a band playing and some other entertainment, and ended up being a great night!  Here are some highlights:

Rachel B Music was the band playing the entire night.  She was a great singer/pianist who did a mixture of covers and original songs.  She also played with a guitarist/drummer/background singer, and together they sounded great!

There was so much amazing food!  My favorites were the Field Roast Phyllo Casserole from Onion Maiden and the Mac and "Cheese" from Chip and Kale.  There was also a big cookie table, because this was a Pittsburgh event ;)

Everything was SO good though.  The organizers said they wanted to prove that vegans eat a lot more than just salad every day, and with this amazing spread I can definitely agree with that!

The star of the night, though, was the cutest pig ever named Doc The Pig!  He was really friendly and would walk over to you and sniff around your hand for some food.  He reminded me so much of a dog and I fell in love!

He wagged his little tail the entire night and wore the cutest sweater!  Now I kind of want a pig.

It was such a fun night, and a great way to kick off the holiday season.  This is my first year being a vegan, so it was great to get inspired by all of the creative dishes!  I can't wait to try out some of the recipes myself and share them with some omnivore friends, and prove that vegans eat really tasty food.

Have you ever been to a special-dietary feast?
Who else wants a pig?!
Cookie tables- yay or nay?


  1. I knew someone growing up who had a potbellied pig. Not my jam, but to each their own. Veg feast sounds like my type of party!
    And you know the answer to the cookie table question....

    1. They're so cute!!

      I threw in that cookie table comment for you ;)

  2. omg Im glad im not the only one obsessed with pigs. how are they so cute?! That Veg feast sounds awesome!

  3. I've done some really fun outdoor cooking mini-conferences with Girl Guides where you make a bunch of different recipes using box ovens, buddy burners and camping stoves and then sample all the recipes. Cookies aren't my favourite dessert but the idea of a cookie table does sound fun!

  4. "Onion Maiden" LOL that's awesome. My ex husband always wanted a pig. I love animals, but not like all up in my grill (except cats--I love cats and they are allowed all over my body).

    1. I'll let any animal, EXCEPT for a cat, get all over me!

  5. Wow, I've never heard of such a feast. I would totally be on board. Here, in the South, everyone loves their meat and I am just begggginnngggggggg for some more vegetarian options!

    1. I'm happy that the vegan lifestyle is getting more popular here! there's a ton of options :)

  6. You're lucky you got tickets before it sold out! I couldn't make it this year but want to go next year! Everything I've tried from Onion Maiden has been awesome. Read The Good Good Pig! I was obsessed with pigs for a long time, and that book is about a woman and her pet pig. It's a great book and shows what awesome pets pigs are--and also all the work involved in owning one!

    1. Hopefully we can both go next time! It was such a great event with lots of good food. Thanks for the book recommendation!

  7. It sounds like a fun event - and I TOTALLY want a pig, haha!

  8. A kid from my elementary school had two pigs growing up and would always bring pictures and tell stories. I totally wanted one!

    Um, cookie tables = YES. I will just hang out around them all night ;)


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